Someone is Getting

More than I am
so called Reward Pool Rape
Socialism rears it's ugly head.
"To each according to his need..from each according to his ability"
this is even worse..
.If someone HAS the ability
(or the desire)
to post more often


cause it's not


some people can't
(don't want to)
work that hard

The harder workers are getting more of the pie.


I tell you


(or at least heavy petting)

Someone is having fun



I hope you like this caricature I drew of Ayn Rand. I did it as an homage because she has influenced me a lot. I specially loved her short story "To each according to his need..from each according to his ability" which tells how that sucks the life off persons. I'm been drawing a series of caricatures of authors and asking people if they recognized their likeness. The text is in Spanish the the images are universal.

Not everyone is as funny as you. Fb is for morons, steemit users have to be able to string a sentence together. That's why it's SO much better, in my opinion. I've been impressed with everything, other than the techspam & adverts in the trending section. Even, the comments are better. Send the babies back to fb, or twitter, where they can cry in less than x amount of characters. Let fb collect all their opinions in a massive big dataselfie, & then try & sell it back to them, who cares.

I’m not complaining till I get caught in another downvote spam.... went from 43 rep down to 34 just recovering now!

It’s not the slice of pie that’s my issue it’s the bakers arguing how it needs to be baked!

You work hard and deserve every penny, it’s all opinion vs facts and in that your proving to be the boss!

This post was sarcasm right? 🤣😘

Same. Flagging is BS imo.

Just don’t express that opinion to the wrong person

Right. Was defending someone else that got flagged. smh.

I got third partied for commenting a simple reiteration of historical price fluctuations for BTC, no prediction just saying don't forget to look at historic, both sides have yet to respond as to why nor do I care to ask again since that was flagged as well.

This post was sarcasm right?
There was DOUBT?
I'm devastated!
I need to up my game.
I'm ordering more snark as we speak.

Note: as far as I can tell reputation means nothing.
it's just a vanity metric.
it has no effect on $$$

but it can have a great impact on visibility...

That’s what killed me, it may just be a number but I worked for and have someone take it away over being frustrated with someone else’s work was a complete piss off

Had a couple posts get no votes not that it’s all I’m here for but I’m pretty certain it had to do with the sudden drop in rep, those votes have come back so all is well

yeah, when you receive upvotes, you get reputation too, when you lose upvotes or get flags, you lose reputation...

Yeah it seems like if someone wants to make a point they don’t like you all they need to do is destroy your rep then depending on how bad you were struck it can take a long time to recover! @gasparcha had picked a battle with someone who brought him down to 14 from 48 his posts went from $3-4 to now pennies as it has scared off the people who followed him since all his posts were attacked. Now since he’s not getting those 70 rep upvotes he’s kinda stuck at a low rep. I have encouraged him to start posting multiple times a day and he’s starting to get traction again.

Luckily they didn’t attack his follower comments but still even I took a step back so I wasn’t waisting my voting power on a lost cause.

Lol I think your on

Better call your supplier asap, tell them you need to upgrade to distribution of snark packages.

We can’t have you running low

Stop, I can't read that much Stuff- But I want more stuff to read- but I can't post stuff, cause you are posting to much stuff for me to read so I don't have time to post my stuff, Oh heck stuff it, I think I'll go find a TEOTWAWKI episode, Then think about maybe reading more stuff, and donating to the reward pool rapist, I think, yes I will be an enabler. ;-}

God forbid rewards should actually be distributed according to such revolutionary methods as seniority and merit.

the market decides
the market is never wrong.

oh..seniority is a thing.
most whales have been here from the beginning.

Except for that super fabulous whale witness that everyone must upvote and praise because he's super fabulous and has millions of followers all over the super fabulous interwebs.

moby dick?
the famous porno star?

Justin Beeber

I always find the discussions on the reward payout interesting. I'm not trying to make a living blogging on social media so it really doesn't have an effect on my life. Seems to me, if you are better and work harder than your competition, you will eventually be rewarded or you need to move on to where you are appreciated.

are you DAFT!
that's NOT FAIR.

Can't wait for the definition of FAIR. That will cause more interesting posts.

Well damn, I've got other projects that consume a hell of a lot of time and I still manage to post, read, comment, upvote, flag, etc. =\ If someone is unable to keep up with me, even though I don't really make a whole awful lot from Steemit (yet) then that's their problem, not mine.

ah..but you will, glasshoppah, you will.
Make more from steem that is.
the process is analogous to a nuclear reactor
FIRST you must reach critical mass
THEN the chain reaction occurs.
THEN...reap the rewards..
(little tricks like buying delegation speeds the process up dramatically)

I know, currently now saving up in order to purchase some delegation from BlockTrades.

I think 2 steem is the minimium.

I know, I'm looking to buy far more than 2 steems worth. It's not entirely uncommon for me to attract a whale here and there.

I hear ya loud and clear capt.
I wish there was more of an even distribution bc we are all here creating and curating on the same quality content, but some of us just wont see the same slice of pie..

Kinda like the real world, we will sit back and watch as the rich get richer, quicker as we sit back, work hard and make the bear minimum...

I guess I'll just keep steeming

Cheers @everittdmickey

the rich get richer
maybe because it takes money to make money?

most definitely does... 200 SBD to upme and i would say you will make some money

problem is not all of us have the luxury of owning 200 SBD to spend to make money...

right on, catch u around

that's almost $700!
That's insane.

for 100 Steem
(ratio is 8SP for 1 Steem...2 Steem Minimium)
or...if you can't afford that much
buy SP incrementally...
say....5Steem a day (week, month..whatever)

and earn your OWN SBS's in short order.

some whales send those sorts of bids to voting bots to up their posts... like you said, it takes money to make money around this neck of the woods

natural law...
I seriously doubt that whales do that.
why would they?
they could make more by just upvoting themselves.
why pay a middleman?
( could anyone else)

Yeah maybe not whales but those who have a reservoir of SBD that don't have an enormous VP... I've seen it happen

Straight to trending at that point and then boom, it takes off

Fb pays NOTHING & steals ALL your data. Get dataselfie add on to see what fb is all about. I'd rather 1p went to me, than 00000.1p went to fb. Plus, they mark all my comments as spam, because I was adding dataselfie links. They are prime cunts, of the highest order.

Absolutely hilarious because it is true!

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