The second-generation rich endured for 19 years only to pull out his father's oxygen tube!

in #rich2 months ago


Today I’m going to tell you the story of Sanmei.
Old readers should still remember him as the youngest son of the coal boss.
The coal boss has an internal secret, that is, he must have three sons. The eldest son is responsible for production, the second son is responsible for sales, and the younger son is engaged in official career and connections. Sanmei is the younger son who runs the show.
In Sanmei's words, he is the most relaxed of the three sons. He had the best tutor since he was a child, went to the best prestigious school, and then entered the system as a part-time job. His main job is to treat people to meals, so he is very good at eating, drinking and having fun. , and also very good at getting along with others.
Sanmei is young and beautiful, with high EQ and IQ, knowledgeable, tasteful, and generous (mainly because of this). She soon became a guest in various circles, especially when everyone went to drink flower wine and so on, and spent a lot of money. , everyone likes to ask him to go, he makes arrangements for everyone every time, and then settles the bill. He is really anxious for people's urgent needs, saves people from fire and water, and is considerate and thoughtful.
If I were like the prodigal Lu Xiaofeng, my three beauties would be like a house full of flowers, rich and noble, elegant and calm, and the friend that everyone most wants to make.
I have known Sanmei for many years, and I have had hundreds of bottles of wine with him. As for the bills he helped me pay for, they are countless. Think about it, how do I know Sanmei?
I can't even remember.
It seems that I was still working in publishing in Beijing, that is, I went from Lao Man to a publishing company. At that time, the company had a business, and a red kid came up with a family biography, which was similar to a family memoir. I used to be a gunman, and I wrote this kind of legend for people, which was the memoirs of the legendary boss, Detective K, so the boss gave me this business.
Because it is a memoir of the Red Family, many things are quite sensitive and it is not convenient to talk about it on the phone. So they asked me to go to Xiaotangshan and found a hot spring villa to chat there (we soaked in the hot spring and talked about confidential things, yes (Afraid of being recorded).
He brought a few friends with him at that time (all third-generation children). I was still young at that time, full of longing and curiosity for the sensual and powerful life. After we finished talking about the serious things, I asked them if their daily life was like this. The kind that plays music every night and goes to "heaven and earth" every day?
They laughed and said that the life of the red children was actually quite hard, and the struggle for power within the family was serious. They also introduced me to some friends who all had very serious jobs (one of the third-generation children was also an excellent doctor). .
He emphasized in particular that red people basically would not go to heaven and earth, only coal bosses liked to go.
He pointed at a young man opposite and said: Like him!
That person is Sanmei.
Sanmei laughed and said that he doesn't go there very often now. After all, there are only a few nice young ladies who are all familiar to her and they were called out with just one phone call.
Then he called out two girls, and the four of us chatted about literature all afternoon.
What a talk about literature!
We chatted all afternoon with Kawabata Yasunari, Turgenev, and Shen Congwen. The three beauties had a profound understanding of literature, which made me look at the Three Generations of Coal with admiration.
After the chat, I was very emotional and said that I didn’t expect the young lady in heaven and earth to have such a deep understanding of literature!
Sanmei said that they are from the Chinese department of a prestigious university, so it is normal for them to understand this!
I sighed again, saying that the world is really in decline, and all the beautiful female college students who understand literature have gone to heaven and earth. This is really a miserable world.
Sanmei just laughed and said, if you look at it from another angle, the young lady who is accompanying the wine in heaven and earth, because of her love of literature, worked hard and got admitted to a prestigious school. This is an inspirational story.
Thinking about it, it’s true that there is no absolute right or wrong in anything in this world, but it depends on what angle you look at it.
I was immediately impressed by him.
He also looked at me with admiration and said that I was the first man he had ever met in his life who had read all the works of Kawabata Yasunari, Turgenev, and Shen Congwen.
In fact, I haven't read some of them, but I didn't say anything. I just said proudly that I have read many books, many of which you don't even know about.
So the two became friends.
I also learned some things about Sanmei intermittently. Their ancestors were very rich in Shanxi and started their business as a banker. They were wiped out after the Great Movement. After the reform and opening up, their family was among the first to enter the coal mining field. They did well there and became a truly wealthy family.
Everyone knows that coal bosses make money, but they definitely don’t know how much money they make.
Let’s put it this way, when I met Sanmei in 2009, a ton of coal sold for 1,400 yuan, the cost was 400 yuan, and the gross profit for a ton of coal was almost 1,000 yuan.
A small coal mine produces hundreds of thousands of tons of coal annually, with an annual gross profit of almost 300 million.
Yes, three hundred million.

It is also a small coal mine.
Not to mention small coal mines, there are several medium-sized coal mines in the Sanmei family.
Therefore, the coal boss at that time was indeed extremely wealthy. He often went to the sales office to buy an entire building. There was too much money and he could not spend it.
I also quietly asked Sanmei, what do they give as gifts?
He casually said at that time, send the plane.
I don’t know if it’s true or not, and I don’t have the nerve to ask.
However, Sanmei doesn't have the arrogant and arrogant attitude of a nouveau riche who spends money like water. He is low-key and restrained. He often goes to Beixinqiao with me to have a bowl of braised pork, and he often goes to heaven and earth to spend a lot of money. He is really a very good person.
Sanmei likes reading very much, but is very picky about writers. He basically only reads a few writers. In addition to the three mentioned above, there are also Chekhov, Hemingway, and Duras, who are all very quiet and sad writers. Similar to me.
We had a very good relationship at the time, and we planned to start a publishing company that would publish only the books we liked, using the most artistic paper for printing, and designing the most artistic covers. As a result, I later went to Tencent to make online games, and that was the end of it.
Later, I went to Shenzhen and Shanghai, and I lost contact with them.
Later, I started to work in film and television, and we went to Shanxi to invest (at that time, the coal industry was undergoing adjustments, and many coal bosses were forced out, and they couldn't spend the money, so they all went to projectors), and we also went to their homes.
There is a five-star hotel in their local area, which is owned by their family.
We haven’t seen each other for many years, but he was very happy, and he was the host. He arranged for us to stay in their hotel, which was the most luxurious and luxurious. He also arranged for me to have two of the most beautiful girls, and insisted on sending me to the room in person.
He explained that there were cameras installed in many suites of the five-star hotel, and he had to turn them off for me, otherwise the security would watch my live broadcast later.
I watched him find cameras in every hidden corner (some of them couldn't be turned off, so I put a band-aid on the outside), and there were even several cameras in the toilet.
I asked him, what kind of quirk is this? Live broadcast of people peeing?
He said, oh, some leaders think that the toilet is safe, so they choose to go here... to act cheaply. What does that saying mean - when people treat you well, they just want to sleep with you. I'm different. Me, the sofa is fine, and the toilet is fine too.
He explained that the purpose of installing cameras was mainly to prevent leaders. In an industry like theirs, they are not afraid of their leaders asking for money, but they are afraid of their lives. The purpose of installing cameras is to be on guard, so that if something goes wrong in the future, they will have something to hold on to.
He said that businessmen are actually very safe and obedient. After working hard for several lifetimes to earn a fortune, no one will fight to the death with others for no reason, just to protect themselves. For thousands of years in China, you have only heard of county magistrates who destroyed families and governors who exterminated families. Have you heard of a few businessmen who killed people on the street?
He finally took a few cameras from the sofa, clapped his hands, and said: It's safe.
Then he took a pile of money, gave one pile to each of the two girls, and said: All desires revealed in the eyes of this brother of mine must be satisfied.
Then he patted me on the shoulder: The spring night is too short, please go to bed early.
As soon as he left, I said to the two girls: You two, don't be stunned! Hurry! One was holding the basin, and the other was holding my head.
They couldn't understand it and asked me: Brother, what kind of posture are you trying to play?
I said: What posture? Vomiting posture!
After saying that, I vomited. I was vomiting like crazy. Sammei is such a bitch. She drank so much wine today. The key is fake wine!
The next day, I found that I had slept all night with the toilet in my arms, and two girls were holding the washbasin, their beautiful bodies spread out, one on the left and one on the right, lying next to me.
Sanmei was very sorry, saying that he had left two cameras specially, thinking that he could record a CD later and give it to me as a gift, but he ended up watching me vomiting all night long, and in the end he even vomited himself.
I smiled slightly, but I was actually thinking that I was losing money with the special code. For such an expensive room, if I had known I should have called Sanmei over, the four of us could still spend the whole night together!
This is the relationship between Sanmei and I. The so-called friendship between gentlemen is as light as water, but the friendship between us as common people is as strong as wine.
Calculating that we have known each other for fifteen or six years, I basically come to him to do things, and he rarely comes to me to do things.
In the past few days, I was in Suzhou and received a call from him. For the first time, he asked me to do something.
He said on the phone that his father had passed away and he wanted to ask me to help him find a monastery to perform a salvation ritual. He then hoped to stay in the monastery for a few days to relax.
To me, it's a no-brainer. Because our family donates to temples and Taoist temples all year round, they also send a lot of white jade loquats and Biluochun tea to our family every year. Let alone staying for a few days, it would be no problem to just give him a Zen room where he can live all year round. However, the temple is a place of spiritual cultivation and women cannot be brought there.
I specifically reminded him of this.
He said don't worry, this time he went to the temple to perform a ritual for the salvation of an ancestor, and he would abide by the rules honestly.
I found a temple I knew well and made arrangements for him.
After he arrived, I accompanied him to stay in the monastery and told him that it was difficult on the mountain and that he could try it first. If he felt uncomfortable, call me anytime and I would take him down the mountain.
He just nodded and said it didn't matter, no one came to the temple for pleasure.
He stayed in the monastery for two days.
On the third day, the abbot of the temple came to me and said that the benefactor you introduced proposed to donate one million to the temple, and then asked the temple to hold a salvation ceremony.
I said, that’s great, this is the Lord of great merit! Just do it quickly. Saving your father's life is also a way to promote filial piety.
The abbot said that he did not save his father.
I said, ah, so he is the transcendent mother?
The abbot said: None. He is the one who transcends his dead wife and—himself!
I don’t understand a little bit, how to save my deceased wife and myself.
My impression is that he is not married. Where did he get his dead wife? And even if he secretly got married, what was the point of transcending himself? Since I am still alive, do I have to deposit a large amount of money in the underworld first and then spend it after I go down? Do you think there really is a bank in the underworld?
Thinking about how something was wrong with him, I thought no, I had to ask him.
I pretended that I had been kicked out by my wife and was homeless, so I had no choice but to accompany him to the monastery for a few days to practice meditation.
The temple is on the mountain next to Taihu Lake. Walk up the winding mountain road. There are towering trees on the roadside, as well as many tombstones of ancient people. It is said that there are also tombstones of many famous people. Walking halfway up the mountain, you can see When you go to Taihu Lake, which is as vast as the sea, with birds flying low, the setting sun, and ancient temples deep in the mountains, you will indeed have a sense of being out of this world.
I first went to the temple to say hello to the abbot, and looked at their collection of Buddhist treasures. As the sky grew dark, I asked Sanmei to go out for a drink. I found a small boat and planned to take him to the middle of the lake for a drink.
But he shook his head and said that since he was in the temple, he shouldn't drink alcohol and just drink tea.
If he doesn't want to drink, then let him go and drink tea in the pavilion high in the temple.
The abbot gave us a pot of the finest Dongting Biluochun (there are lay Buddhists who grow Biluochun tea on Dongshan Island, and the best tea leaves are given to the temple, so the tea and fruits in the temple are the best). We slowly Drink tea slowly.
There is a cool breeze blowing on the mountain, ripples on the water, a bright moon in the sky, ancient trees deep in the mountains, cicadas chirping, and occasionally a few strange calls of birds, which makes the mountain deep and temple secluded, quite Zen-like.
Sanmei suddenly asked me, do you still remember what we talked about when we first chatted?
I said, the lady in heaven and earth?
He just laughed and said, that was a joke, the official chat was about Kawabata Yasunari.
I thought about it and realized that it was, yes, "The Dancing Girl of Izu", one of my favorite literary works.
He nodded and said that at that time, the two of us had an argument about the ending of this story.
I said, yes, I insist that lovers will eventually get married, and I think the male protagonist should bravely pursue love and try to be with the little dancer. You insist on different classes, and forcing them to be together will hurt each other. It is better to say goodbye and leave a good memory.
He asked, what do you think now?
I said, I still stick to my original view, and that’s what I did. My wife and I are ordinary people, a real poor and humble couple who support each other. When I was poor before, I lived a normal life. Now that I have some fame and fortune, I still live a normal life. There is no difference.
He lamented, saying that the sons of the run-down rich family are still the sons of the rich family, and the sons of the nouveau riche are still the nouveau riche after all. This is also the reason why I like you. You have become what I most want to be.
I couldn't help but wonder, was he laughing at me? When I first met him, I couldn't even pay the rent. I traveled around for so many years, from Beijing to Shenzhen to Shanghai to Baoding to Suzhou. I didn't have any dreams. It was just to support my family. That's all. Years have gotten better. He, a carefree young man, says he envies me?
He said seriously that if he had a choice, he would not want to live such a sensual life. He would rather be an elegant literati. He doesn't have to associate with people he doesn't like, and he doesn't have to do things he doesn't like.
Sanmei said that their family has changed a lot over the years. He followed his father there, took care of him conscientiously for many years, and finally gained his father's trust, just for this moment.
He said, I have been waiting for this moment for many, many years.
He said, I personally unplugged my father's oxygen tube.
I looked at him in great shock.
He said lightly that his father was terminally ill and could not live much longer. A few days ago, his father was seriously ill again. The doctor needed his son's signature to ask whether he wanted to be rescued. He chose not to rescue him and then removed his father's oxygen with his own hands. Tube.
I asked him, why?
He said, for revenge.
He nodded: because of a woman.
I originally thought that the woman was his mother, a bloody drama about the love and hatred of a big family, but unexpectedly he shook his head and said it was because of a woman.
He said that he was confused when he was young. On the one hand, he liked the impetuous life of sensuality and horse racing, and on the other hand, he also liked the life of a scholar who was indifferent to fame and wealth and lived in seclusion in the mountains. As a result, he was quite divided. He would often read the Book of Songs while hugging each other in nightclubs. He also felt that it was difficult for him to integrate into these two circles, which made him very distressed until he met a girl.
He said that he was in a bar at the time because a friend told him that a girl had just come to the bar. She was a Russian girl with an extremely voluptuous figure. She danced extremely coquettishly. She was also good at singing and dancing, and could play the most difficult piano music. "Islamic Beauty", and also dance in Swan Lake, which has a solemn and enchanting beauty. Moreover, this Russian girl will only stay in Beijing for half a month, so let him go and see her quickly, otherwise it will be too late.
He went over and took a look, and found that she was indeed a beauty in the world, with a sense of charm that was so coquettish. In the words of his friend, no one who has been a good woman for a day can interpret this kind of style.
Several of his friends paid a sky-high price for this Russian girl, and almost got into a fight, but no one succeeded. Because the Russian girl did not understand Chinese and could not communicate with them, and her status was quite special, the bar security guard swore to God that the car that picked up the girl late one night belonged to the Russian Embassy.
Everyone was worried about this girl's background, and no one dared to take action, so she stayed here peacefully for half a month. After a sudden glimpse, she mysteriously disappeared and became a legend in the nightclub.
Sanmei didn't expect to see her again later.
Sanmei likes Russian literature very much. She often goes to the university to attend classes and has also signed up for some Russian literature training courses.
Once, the old professor who taught literature asked for leave and assigned his young graduate students to give lectures to them.
The graduate student was very young, beautiful, and shy. She was even embarrassed to look at them, but she was full of energy when she talked about Russian literature. She talked about Russia’s beautiful, vast, sad and depressing prairie, Russia’s long and cold winter, and the Russian literary world. Sun Pushkin's gorgeous and sad love tells about Chekhov's most beautiful "First Love" and "The House with an Attic".
Sanmei looked at her and thought she was as beautiful as an oil painting.
Sanmei approached her cautiously, stammering about her love for literature, her love for Russian literature, and her admiration for her, and hoped to invite her to a Moscow restaurant for a meal.
The more Sanmei talked, the more verbose she became, and the more verbose she became, the harder it was to explain. He was so flustered that he couldn't figure out why the young master, who was always so sharp-tongued and recognized as the number one in both business and commerce, felt like his head was full of mush.
He looked at the surprised look in his girl's eyes and knew that he had messed up. He hated his clumsiness and thought that in the girl's eyes he must be a liar or even a playboy. He was so annoyed that he simply threw up his hands and gave up. He walked back with his head in annoyance.
The girl stopped him: Is it tonight?
He looked at the girl in surprise.
The girl said: Going to Lao Mo (Moscow Restaurant) tonight?
She shrugged and said, "I like that restaurant very much, but I don't have enough money, so can I order more today?"
Sanmei laughed loudly and said: I can almost buy that restaurant for you!
They went to Lao Mo and then to the Beijing Exhibition Hall. They talked about Russian literature and Gorky's debut novel "Makar Chudra". They said that deep down in the soul of this revolutionary fighter, Gorky was actually a shy literary young man, similar to Lu Xun. Same.
The girl said that she learned Russian because she loved Russian literature. The strong sense of melancholy and desolation made her feel as vast and depressing as the Russian grasslands.
Late at night, Sanmei sent her back to school, silently watching her disappear, silently counting the floors she walked to, seeing the voice-activated lights on each floor turn on, and wondering which floor she had reached and whether she had returned to her room.
He felt like the protagonist in Chekhov's "The House with the Attic", full of joy and melancholy, watching the beloved girl disappear into the attic.
He felt that he had fallen in love with her.
And I was very afraid that, like the male and female protagonists in the story, I would be forced to separate and live apart from now on.
He thought about it at home for several days, thinking about the girl all the time. Finally, he sent her a text message and told her his worries.
He waited for a long time and finally got the girl's reply.
She said: I am not Michus.
He finally felt relieved.
The two soon got together, reading, studying, and traveling every day, like a couple of gods.
But as time went by, he also felt a little tired of it, and began to miss the sensual and sensual days again. He began to sneak out, hang out with the group of fox friends and dog friends, and lie to the girl that he was going on a business trip to work.
The girl didn't say anything and told him to focus on work.
Although he felt a little guilty, he felt that it was okay for a man to be romantic, as long as he finally chose this girl.
One day, his friends summoned him urgently, saying that the mysterious Russian girl had appeared again, and asked him to support him. They said that they had found out clearly that the girl had nothing to do with the embassy. She had bribed the security guard and deliberately let the security guard spread the news. , they decided to force the Overlord to take the bow tonight and capture this girl alive!
He had originally made an appointment with his girl to have dinner with him that day, and he was very excited about it. He was thinking about finding a reason to break the appointment. Unexpectedly, his girl called him and said that the professor's birthday was that evening and she was going to a banquet and could not accompany him.
Sanmei was ecstatic in her heart and said she was so sorry because she had already booked a restaurant!
In the evening, Sanmei went to the nightclub early and found that it was indeed the Russian girl, with the same enchanting figure and the same charming eyes. They opened wine and shouted, but for some reason, he always felt that the Russian girl was paying attention to him. Her eyes glanced at him from time to time.
In the evening, several friends were drinking and fist-fighting there. Whoever wins will go to confess his love to the girl first to see who can win the beauty.
He was the last one to appear, and when he saw his first few friends exiting with depressed expressions, he felt that there was no hope for him, so he simply broke the jar, grabbed a rose, rushed to the stage, and said: Dear little princess, Would you like to spend the night with me tonight?
The friends below were making noise together, shouting: "Come down!" Come down! Don't embarrass us Chinese people!
Unexpectedly, the girl lowered her head shyly and said in broken Chinese: I am willing...
Everyone was shocked.
Including Sanmei herself.
Sanmei felt dizzy and followed her sister out of the nightclub and into the car.
Looking at the Russian girl sitting next to me, I wondered what was going on. Could I be dreaming? Could this girl be someone else pretending to be her?
He looked at her and then at her again, still not believing it.
Later, when he arrived at the villa, he was thinking about how to speak. Unexpectedly, the girl walked up to him and said angrily: Humph, the world is as dark as a crow. I thought you were a gentleman!
Then he smiled sweetly and said: But I like it!
Then she took off her wig, removed the contact lenses from her eyes, fiddled with her hair, and turned into the shy girl who loves Russian literature.
Sanmei was stunned and didn't know what to say, and then she was knocked down by this girl.
Sanmei is very happy.
They had been together for several years, and the girl became pregnant. Sanmei took her back to her hometown and said that the woman was pregnant with her child and wanted to marry her.
His mother looked at his father in panic, and his father told him that you can do whatever you want outside, but you can't get married. You can only marry the daughter of a XX (high-ranking official).
Sanmei also said bluntly that she would only marry her in this life. If her parents agreed, she would have an extra daughter-in-law. If they did not agree, she would lose a son.
Father nodded and said, stay here first.
Then the next day, the girl disappeared.
Sanmei said that he was originally prepared to die with her, but later his sister persuaded him, saying that a truly brave man would live in humiliation and avenge the dead.
He decided to take revenge.
He told his father personally that he would avenge her.
He endured it for twenty years, endured it until his elder brother and second brother fought for the family property, endured it until his father ran away to go abroad, endured it until he served his father every day and finally gained his trust, just for the final revenge.
He said that when he unplugged his father's oxygen tube, he looked at his father's shocked look, leaned down and said something to him.
He said: I said, I will avenge her.
He looked at the dark lake in the distance and said calmly: A gentleman's revenge is never too late. I'm not a gentleman, so it doesn't matter if I'm a few years later.
He said, I am a prodigal, and a prodigal will not keep his virginity for someone. Later, I had many women, but she was the only one who really wanted to get married.
He said, if you think about it now, it has been nineteen years since she left. I wonder if she will be lonely? Will you be afraid?
He said that he really wanted to go down and accompany her!
He said: In the next life, I hope to be husband and wife with her.

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