Smart Things Rich People Do, and the Poor Often Forget

in #rich7 years ago

How do the rich become successful? It’s not necessarily down to innate talent or a helping hand from mummy and daddy. Acquiring vast sums of wealth can be partly attributed to the items on this list – seven smart things rich people do, and the poor often forget:

They Think “Both”, Not “Either Or”
Usually, when we choose one thing we forgo something else. We have a finite amount of money or resources and choose our options accordingly. But rich people don’t view the world in these “either or” terms. They wonder if it isn’t possible to have both of the things they desire. And they start to think out of the box in an effort to get them. The rich know that creativity has the potential to make both things attainable.

They Buy Quality, Not Quantity
Poor people are often trapped – either through necessity or mind set – in a cycle of false economy. They buy things cheaply. But then those things wear out quickly and they have to buy a replacement within a few years. Rich people buy quality goods that have the durability to last a lifetime, thus saving money in the long term. And they tend not to fall for expensive gimmicks like this Prada paperclip.


They Invest Their Money Rather than Put it In Savings
Rather than putting their money into savings, rich people tend to invest their cash and make their money work for them. They buy land and property, where prices have risen steadily over the past few decades. They invest in antiques, in classic cars and in stocks and shares – all areas that have the potential to see their money grow much more than it would in a savings account.

They Don’t Give Up
Countless numbers of successful businesspeople have a failed idea behind them. They may have a previous business that went bust or they may have experienced past rocky periods with their current venture. The key thing is, they didn’t give up. They learnt from their mistakes, worked on their weaknesses and applied their new knowledge to their future successes.

They Choose to Hang out With Positive, Successful People

Talk to any hugely successful person and chances are they had a mentor who inspired them. They wouldn’t have reached the heights they did without a positive, successful person on hand to offer advice and support. Without realising it, we often adopt the outlook and perspective on the world held by our friends. So, if success is your aim, hang out with successful friends who see the positives rather than the negatives in situations.

They Recognise the Need to Sell Themselves
Poor people, like rich people, have many laudable attributes and have achieved some pretty impressive feats. But unlike rich people, poor people often downplay their good points. This could be due to a lack in confidence or the feeling that no one likes a smug guy. Rich people aren’t afraid to shout their achievements from the rooftops because they know no one else will do it for them. And some of that self-publicity can’t help but affect how they’re viewed by the people around them.

They Don’t Drift, They Set Goals
Thinking of the future can be a daunting task. But rich people do it all the time. They think of where they want to be in a year’s time, five years’ time and ten years’ time. They set goals for themselves and work out realistic ways of achieving them. And then they review their goals to make sure they’re keeping true to their plans.

Getting rich is no easy task. It takes a lot of hard work, the ability to manage risk and the confidence to learn from your mistakes. But it’s within reach of most of us as long as we remember all those little but significant smar


Useful and valuable information for us all, thank you.

You are welcome

Love it! I can tell you read a lot. I do have a question though. Finding successful people to surround yourself with is easier said than done. What are some good ways that an up and coming successful person can find their way into the orbit of successful people? I'm curious on your take. It'd make great advice for me and my blog. Thank you.

The best way to surround yourself with successful people is to enter a business deal or transaction with them or provide some sort of help they need yet havent had anyone to help them. In that way u will b meeting them often due to business reasons and in that way you get to know them more and learn from them.

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