States with abortions bans have worse social services.

in #roe3 years ago


The NYTimes did an analysis showing how the states with abortion bans generally have worse social services, and the worst results on health and well-being for women and children. They have worse child and maternal mortality rates. They have more uninsured women and children. Higher teen pregnancy rates. Their social safety nets are ill-equipped for pregnant women and new mothers.

Not mentioned is also many of the states enacting abortion restrictions predominantly have abstinence-only sex education. Often not even including discussion of contraception in their curriculum. A major reason why they generally have higher rates of teen pregnancies than other states.

And these states will further burden Black women:

"Studies have repeatedly found that states where the safety net is less generous and harder to access tend to be those with relatively more Black residents. That has further implications for Black women, who have a maternal mortality rate nationally that is nearly three times that of white women."
