The overturning of Roe v Wade is an indictment against pro-life advocates.

in #roe3 years ago


Congratulations, you accomplished your goals by using the power of the state. You expended vast resources in this effort in the form of literature, rallies, lobbying, and support of political candidates.

However, if more of you had instead stood in solidarity with mothers, if more of you had made sacrifices to care for these mothers and their babies, then a political action would not have been necessary.

But many of you did not. You chose the lazy way, the power-grasping rather than abdicating way. You increased the scale and scope of the government that you simultaneously claim to despise on other issues.

I go so far as to say that by seeking to attain the mandates of the gospel by means anathema to that gospel you practice anti-Christ.

And going forward, the recovery of gospel faithfulness separate from political power will be that much more difficult.

I grieved before. I grieve still.