Trump Declares “No Collusion,” But What About the Rest of Us?

in #russia7 years ago


“No collusion!” President Trump triumphantly tweeted out yesterday.

“Russia started their anti-US campaign in 2014, long before I announced that I would run for President. The results of the election were not impacted. The Trump campaign did nothing wrong - no collusion!”

His press secretary Sarah Sanders said in a statement:

“President Donald J. Trump has been fully briefed on this matter and is glad to see the Special Counsel’s investigation further indicates—that there was NO COLLUSION between the Trump campaign and Russia and that the outcome of the election was not changed or affected.”

Wait a minute, said Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. There are more indictments coming.

Here’s what the dubious checker of factoids, FactCheck, had to say:

“Rosenstein merely stated that there was no allegation in ‘this indictment’ that any Americans—including those in the Trump campaign—wittingly participated in ‘this illegal activity.’”

So, we can expect more indictments. But of whom, and when?

Obviously, since there is not an extradition agreement between the US and Russia, those named in the indictment will never see a US courtroom.

Mueller knows this.

The indictment is merely a rollout announcing future action.

What might that be? We don’t know, but we can speculate.

Is it possible the government will move to prevent “easy dupes” from falling victim to the evil Russians? Or maybe single out a few and frame them as willing participants? Possibly as accessories to bank fraud aggravated identity theft?

Probably not. But I believe this entire fiasco will serve as an impetus to further crack down on social media and prevent “easy dupes” from posting what the government ludicrously defines as Russian propaganda.

What might that be?

Any posted information that parallels that put out by RT and other Russian government-controlled news services. RT, for example, has run countless articles condemning US actions in Syria.

Is it possible if you post to Twitter or Facebook similar information that contradicts that put out by the stenographic corporate propaganda media—for instance, that the White Helmets are not al-Nusra, but genuine concerned Syrians—you will be accused of being a Russian dupe and will thus be blocked from social media?

Twitter and Facebook are already cooperating—although in some instances grudgingly—with the government to block “extremist” content. It’s not unimaginable they will be nudged further in that direction by this indictment and those to come.

I believe this is the next step by the government in its effort to get rid of any news and opinion source that contradict its propaganda.

The state must regain control of the narrative and a freewheeling internet and social media prevent that.


Hey Kurt, great to see your work on steemit. Is there any chance we might see Newsbud on here?

Isn't it interesting that while all the partisan hacks argue over this nonsense of which side is to blame, they are all in agreement that Russia did interfere in some way in the 'US democratic system', and that 'fake news' was spread by Russian propaganda. Even Donald Trump says they interfered in 2014. So the end result will be escalated Cold War rhetoric by both sides in the near future.

Newsbud is exclusive content for subscribers. I will, however, periodically post stories here. Yes, the evil meddling Russian meme is contagious. They all got the memo from the Deep State. Joke's on us.

I was thinking more along the lines of the trailers they post on youtube, not the exclusive content. It may be good way to advertise their operation...Anyway, Thanks Kurt!

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