Russia & China Just Signalled The World That It's Ready To Move Away From The Dollar:Bill Holter

in #russia7 years ago

Bill Holter is a Financial writer and gold expert, Bill also helps individuals purchase and store precious metals, he collabarates with Jim Sinclair on


Thanks again, Dave. Bill Holter is one of my favorites. Thank You, Bill, for your knowledge and sharing it. Dave brings it, too. Good information.

What if we do a short thought experiment?

If there is no trade going out and everybody is dumping dollars, which are coming back in, perhaps we can call the banksters bluff and cancel the debt which is owed to whom? Yes, the same folks that control the banks are the debtees - by fraud (hook and crook).

So, if we go local and barter evenly - then a reset or jubilee can come and we do not slip back into this failed system. We just have to work hard on a local scale and not eat our seed corn. We currently have no local support systems, plenty of opportunity. We can take dollars back, let the world go on and be isolationists doing it on our own for a bit.

A currency is worth the value we think its worth. At this point, the dollar is cooked. With five G - the people will be cooked too.

Ah, if thought was just reality. Thanks Dave. Good guest.

Unfortunately, I reckon we're in for it. Economic catastrophe will hopefully be the worst of our troubles.

There are a whole lotta people around the world that viscerally, primally hate America for what it has done to them, their families, and their countries. I've met some. There are a lot I didn't meet. More than there are Americans.

Don't forget that when competitors have the edge, they use it. We did.

China seem particularly merciful to you? Maybe they'll just laugh off the debt we owe them.

I doubt it. I think they'll come and collect.

Bring it on, so we can get rid of this horrific debt based system and build a new honest system on foundations of gold.

Thank You Dave, Great report always like hearing what Bill Holter has to say.

We're really at the brink! Bill Holter always has great info.

Hehehe the should move to crypto's.

good postings, even if you write short but full of information. thanks for sharing post

Keep working, stop paying,...

Your going to see public lynchings ❗️🔥💥⚰️💸 People are not going to take it well , and the USA corporation federal phony ass government will collapse too .

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