I don't know what the law is in New Mexico.

in #rust7 months ago



Apparently it is a felony to carry a gun into a bar.

It shouldn't be.

This is another thing that goes along with owning and carrying guns -- you've gotta check your local listings.

A lot of states pass a lot of laws that make it difficult to know whether you're breaking the law. New York is obviously among the worst offenders in this regard. If you look at the places that were made illegal to carry a gun, punishable by years in prison, and apply it to a map of New York City, you realize that you're walking through a landmine.

The issue of guns in bars is more widespread. Some states allow it if you remain sober, as you should regardless. Some states are extremely restrictive. Some states go so far as to make it illegal to carry within any structure or establishment that sells alcohol. Namely, if there's a restaurant with a bar in it inside your local mall, they make it illegal to carry in the mall even if you never go near the restaurant.

Back when I was doing western gun shows, we'd often go out for a meal after performing. We kept our guns on us. I'm sure some of those bars serve served alcohol. It was never a big deal.