About Commemoration of World AIDS Day in SAARC Member Country of Afghanistan

in #saarc3 years ago (edited)

The day was commemorated in SAARC Member States by organizing different activities for spreading the messages to create awareness in the community on prevention and control of HIV/AIDS



World AIDS Day was held on December 03,2011 and attended by more than five hundred people in Afghanistan. Gatherings in several provinces including Kabul, Nangarhar, Balkh, Kunduz, Badakhshan, Hirat, Kandahar,Ghazni were held and attended by officials from different sectors. In addition, as per the instructions of the Ministry of Public Health ( MOPH) , all health facilities around the country , at different levels of the health care system, were asked to convey key messages on HIV and AIDS to clients during health education sessions.

The World AIDS Day meeting was held at the MOPH Conference Hall in Kabul was attended by their Excellencies the Minister of Public Health and Deputy Minister of Counter Narcotics Ministry, religious leaders, representatives from the Parliament, Afghanistan Red Crescent Society(ARCS) , high ranking officials from Government, donors UN agencies, USAID WHO and national and international NGOs, representatives from youth civil society and the private sector.
At the meeting, the commitment to fight HIV was renewed by the speakers and the participants. Her Excellency, Dr. Suraya Dalil, the Deputy Minister of Public health, highlighted the theme of the year. Zero new HIV infections. Zero discrimination. Zero Aids-related Deaths and she said that there are 34 million people living with HIV and so far half of them were female. She announced that until the end of 2010, 1250 HIV positive cases have been reported in Afghanistan. She expressed that all people respect the rights of people living with HIV and AIDS and stated that the government of Afghanistan with support from the international partners will work to ensure universal access to prevention, treatment, care and support service. Her Excellency thanks the NACP and the international partners for their support to the Afghanistan health sector.

Media Campaign thought TVs and Radios:

TV spots on HIV and AIDS awareness- raising, advocacy and reducing stigma and discrimination were produced and aired through different TV and Radio Channels.


Dr. Sayed Habib, Communicable Disease Director and Dr. Fida Mohammad Paikan, NACP Manager, commenced the WAD after recitation of few verses of Holy Quran by Dr. Bawar. In fact, Dr. Sayed Habib, CDC Director, talked about HIV and AIDS interventions and OST in the country. Dr. Paikan, NACP Manager, talked about the history of HIV first positive case and establishment of NACP at the MoPH in 2003 in the country. He stated that according to IBBS, there were no HIV Positive case in FSW nor MSM and the HIV epidemic in Concentrated in Idua’s .

His Excellency, Habibullah Galib, the Minister of Justice, emphasized the rople of religions in HIV prevention. On the Other hand rest speakers included Mr. Ibrahim Azhar, Deputy Minister for Counter Narcotics, Mr. Shadoul Who representive, and other representatioves from international entities.

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