FBI Vault Finders drop, McMartin preschool and "satanic panic"

in #satanism5 years ago

On October 25th 2019, one day before Hillary Clinton's birthday, the FBI published on twitter their latest unclassified documents concerning the finders cult. Link on scribd.

A few years ago a blog post discussed the exact location of one of the old cult centers of this group in Washington D.C. which is only a few minutes away from the infamous Jesuit Georgetown university and the totally normal and child friendly C0met pingpong pizzeria.

@theoutherlight did a show about the FBI Vault documents on October 29th.
@titusfrost did a show on October 30th.

While this document drop created a stir in the "alternative news" scene and they keep on digging through it the "mainstream media" stays dead silent.
That's not surprising, the msm totally covered up all evidence for satanic ritual abuse and occult sects in high positions of power for decades now.
The coining phrase which is used to this day is satanic panic.
Even the head of the out in the open satanic temple (yes really)
501(c)(3) tried in this YouTube Video to "debunk" the claim that tunnels under the McMartin preschool used to smuggle children out of the building to abuse and sacrifice them in satanic rituals existed.

In stark contrast the now published documents of the FBI vault contain on pages 48 and 49 a detailed description of archaeological studies and excavations confirming these tunnels' existence and even show their exact location under the school on a drawing.


These two pages are not rencently declassified but rather taken out of the "mcmartin scientific report" commissioned by former FBI agent Ted Gunderson!
The full 194 page report "designed and conducted by E. Gary Stickel, Ph.D., on the recommendation of Rainer Berger, Ph.D., Professor and Chair of the Interdisciplinary Program of the Archaeology Department at UCLA" containing the scientific evidence based on archaeological research, in situ excavations, ground penetrating radar tests, radiocarbon analysis of found artifacts etc. can be read here:

Ted Gunderson presented this very page from the FBI document publication in one of his lectures:

What does this all mean?
Has the FBI just confirmed the study proving tunnels under the mcmartin preschool?
Thereby confirming the existence of satanic ritual abuse?
Was this a signal?

Only time can tell.
Just one thing is certain in this case, everyone has to appear before the Judgement Seat of Christ:

"And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.
And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire."
Revelation 20,12.15


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