What is satellite
We can find out here what the satellite is? And how the satellite works.
There are 3865 satellites in space, out of which 1255 satellites are
active and 2500 Deactiv satellites. Among the satellites in space, most
of the satellite's owners are Us, Us has a total of 528 satellites; satellite
is used.Russia and China mile 130. Uson has 528 satellites, 86 of them
are used for Civil Purposes and 229 are used for commercial purposes
and 150 are used for manual support and 121 are used for government
work.Satellite mainly for the purpose of maritime A satellite that travels
around the globe 4, which is made of fan and solar and military
Which circulates around the world, spreads in two parts,
the satellite is divided into two parts such as feral satellites and natural
satellites, natural satellites: the planets that are made from the cutting
of the planet, the actual satellite fossilized satellite: the planets that use
scientific aid in the scientific method Say satellite.The terrestrial
satellite is the one that creates the stars, which are called the stars in
the English name Now let's know how satellite works, satellite means
works in 3 ways, such as 1.Low Satellite is basically 10 thousand feet
high above Earth, 2. Medium Square Satellite is basically located at
19,000 feet high.3.High square satellites typically lie above 70 thousand
to 80 thousand feet
High square satellites are basically used to determine whether and
water bio Medium Square Satellite is basically used for navigation, such
as aviation, with the help of navigations, low-square satellites are
mainly used for telcos such as TV mobile computer rattan equipment
It is possible to do these tasks primarily with the help of satellites