Three things one can’t live without are Oxygen, Water and Food. No one can live without Water. But do you know how precious is water and how much pure water we have in world.

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Saving Water : A Social Awareness Initiativeby lokapriya on October 9, 2016 Saving Water : A Social Awareness Initiative2016-10-09T12:23:13+00:00 - General - No Comment ShareTweetPlus+Pin this

Three things one can’t live without are Oxygen, Water and Food. No one can live without Water. But do you know how precious is water and how much pure water we have in world.

Save Water Save Earth

If 10 years ago someone had given suggestion to sell the pure water, I’m sure people made good joke or laughed a lot on him. But nowadays mineral or purified water is billion dollar industry. People are ready to spend 20 rupees for water bottle, because we know it’s not easy to get pure or clean water.

One thing is sure; in future we are going to get shortage of clean water. In India you can see water shortage in every state, whether it’s capital of India, Delhi or a village of Bihar. People can’t get clean water easily.

Here are some water facts to remember:
Less than 1% of the earth’s water is suitable for drinking
More than a billion people around the globe survive on just over 1 gallon (4 liters) of water per day
Potentially more than 3 billion people may suffer from water shortages by the year 2025
66% of the human body is water
A person can only live without water for approximately one week
How to save water without changing your lifestyle
The average household consumes approximately 240lt of water per person per day. That means that for a household with four people in it, 960lt of water is used every day which equates to 350’400lt per year!

How is this usage broken down? Would you believe that only 3% of your total water consumed is used for drinking and cooking? The rest is used for the garden (35%), toilet flushing (29%), bathing/ showering (20%) and for laundry (13%). If we covert these percentages to volumes, the average home uses 122’640lt per year to water the garden,101’616lt to flush your toilet,70’080lt to keep ourselves clean and 45’552lt to keep our clothes clean! The other 10’512lt per year is used for drinking and cooking.save_water.jpg

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