in #sc-v6 years ago (edited)

Sometimes, we have many people by our side or in our environment, faithful that give you the best of their essence and we get used to them, to receive, to have them there and in opportunities we do not value this sincere affection. When life shows you the other kind of people, then you realize what you have. Today I want to dedicate this message to all those people who are part of my life, who have given me so much love, so much love, regardless of the condition, that they have always made me feel special, that the love of God is in their hearts, they have the ability to give their best every day, those who are not selfish, and who know that what they have sown someday will reap.


As Bernabé Tierno says in his book "Apprentice of the Wise", no one can question the need for love, as the need for food, air, light, water or sun. Love is a spontaneous and natural feeling, therefore, do not forget: value those who seek you and love those who do not let you go.

It is as incoherent to demand the love of another person as to forbid a person to love us, since all love derives from spontaneity and our inner freedom. We can not control what we feel, nor the feelings we provoke in other people.

Value anyone who shows interest in you

When we love we do it with our whole being, our intelligence, our body, our senses and, of course, our heart. It is something irresistible, that contains beauty and sometimes pain, but that always teaches us to know ourselves.

"Love does not need to be understood, it just needs to be demonstrated."
-Paulo Coelho-

If someone shows interest in us, cares, calls us, writes to us, we must value that interest, that sincere show of affection and respect. A spontaneous display of affection is something that comes from the heart, which makes us reflect on what is really important.

Love whoever wants to be by your side.

A person who really wants to be by your side calls you to know how you are, is next to you in difficult times, looks you in the eye and listens carefully to what you have to say, respects you and values you for how you are, He admires you and shows it to you. In short, he loves you.

If someone wants to be by your side, it is and day by day you can count on one another, be it a couple or a friend. If you want to spend time with someone, you find it and you share moments without looking at the clock, letting the hours pass without realizing it.

One of the best-known Persian proverbs about love says: "The thirst of the heart is not quenched by a drop of water." It means that when someone longs to love and be loved, a small show of affection or a passing experience is not enough. He needs more to feel that his need was fulfilled.

Love and kindness

The word kindness comes from the word love. Friendly is he who is worthy to be loved. Of course, that adjective applies to those who are affable, close and respectful of others. This represents the essence of kindness.


The shortage of pearls

Almost all of us go through moments in which each reality seems to flourish, including love. Most of us have also gone through stages in which the opposite occurs. Nothing grows, nothing grabs, nothing blooms. Sometimes that leads us to lose hope and change our way of seeing life.

One proverbs alerts us to the importance of preventing this from happening. He says: "If you dive in the sea and do not find pearls, do not conclude that there are no pearls in the sea." Like the pearl seeker in the sea, sometimes we just do not find the treasures just because we do not look in the right place.

But in our daily life, there are precious pearls, we just have to find them, value them and love them.

"There is a lady who has been with me for many years helping me with household chores, she is already part of my family. When I wake up she always tells me: how my favorite boss dawned, she hugs me she serves me coffee as I really like it, incredible the affection that comes out of it, there are times I think that this type of people are precious pearls. "

Today is a good day to value and tell those great people how important they are in our lives, how happy they are to us, and thank them for existing!


My beloved apostle, I love you very much. an example for us Venezuelan women

Hola @margarivera, yo también a ustedes cada día me alientan a seguir trabajando. Saludos por favor estaré pendiente de tus mensajes. Gracias por tus palabras.

Most of the time we are not grateful to the people who love us, however we easily give to those who are not worth it. Very good apostolic reflection.

great you are among the humblest people ... you are a great inspiration to follow the steps of God

What a good example we have apostle @darlenys01 we can always make special the life of the people that surround us with every detail, showing love.

We should not expect these people to leave us to learn to value them. Thank you apostle for sharing this reflection.

You made me reflect with this message apostle @darlenys01 that we value little to the people around us.

You are a person of a beautiful human quality apostle @darlenys01 that is why God chose you for his work.

Beautiful and inspiring message, may the love between us live, this love is given by God and poured out in our hearts.

Excellent dear @ darlenys01, show affection and love to our loved ones is great, fabulous, we should not miss the opportunities to demonstrate that love we feel for the people around us.
Thank you for those encouraging and motivating messages that reach our soul.
God bless you always.

God is the maximum expression of love, but he also tells us to love and value our fellow men as ourselves, if we love ourselves, we must also be expressive with our fellow men, no one reaps without sowing. It is part of our life, even when the most imposing moments usually occur. God bless you, sister.

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