in #sc-v5 years ago

"Just as a thirsty deer desires the water of a stream, so too I, my God, seek to be near you."

Psalm 42: 1 Translation in current language (TLA)


When without realizing you are leaving the communion that at some point in your life you had with God, there begins to be in you a tremendous spiritual thirst that is not detected by the naked eye, but is reflected through your behavior different from that one day You saw.

And it is that when we leave communion with God everything changes, our behavior, our way of thinking and seeing things, our way of speaking, among many other things. And it is that when God ceases to be the primordial thing in our life we ​​fall into a hole that, if we do not leave, can cause us many spiritual problems.

Personally I have gone through those moments where I have neglected my personal relationship with God, those periods where without realizing I am replacing my time with God for other things, those moments where my perception of things is changing and without thinking I am further away of God that close.

However, I have also noticed that although I am often unconsciously distancing myself from God, there is also a very great spiritual thirst inside me. And it is that no matter how much I try to get away from God, the Holy Spirit does not allow me to go very far, it has always been there to remind me of all that God has done in my life and how much needed I am of Him.

And I can not stop being thirsty for God, his presence is my delight, his words refresh my life, his voice refreshes my ear, his panorama refreshes my sight. And it is that when I feel that I am far away, it comes with ties of love and attracts me to him.

Perhaps the last times without realizing you have replaced the time of communion with God for other things, you have noticed how your character has changed or how things are not coming out as you would like, notes that you get angry faster and react in ways that you did not react For a long time, all that is a sign that you need to immerse yourself in the presence of God, all that is a sign that you are thirsty for God.

Today I invite you to begin to dedicate special time for God, you need it and you know it. Your life needs to be satiated by the presence of God, only through communion with God can you be strengthened and be the person God wants you to be.

Do not let a single day pass without you having dedicated a special time to talk with God or simply to keep quiet and enjoy his presence, sometimes God has so much to talk to you that it is enough to keep quiet in his presence to realize many things. A praise or a simple word can change your perspective of life if you only dedicate yourself to enjoy their presence.

If you are thirsty for God, there is no better way to refresh yourself than in his presence, Go and look for it!
"I will refresh the thirsty and strengthen those who are faint"

Jeremiah 31: 25Word of God for All (PDT)


@taty17. Jesus presented himself to the world as the bread of life and the indispensable water to never again be thirsty. So we must as Christians long for their presence in our lives to never be thirsty and enjoy the fullness of their presence.

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