I became a victim of scammers recruiters

in #scammers3 years ago


Hello, I didn't ever think that it can happen to me. That I can became a victim of scammers. I feel shame that I was so stupid and naïve, but I will share this sad story with you. It will be a quite expensive lesson for me

I decided to search a job on Freelancers website. I wanted to try Data entry jobs. I created an account and I made some bids there. After a few hours I received an invitation for online job of transcription. On Freelancers website I saw a warning to communicate on their website. But a person, that 'recruited me' insisted to communicate on Whatsapp. I agreed.

It should be writing from jpg to word format job. I noticed that Optimum recruit company was indicated. A small security fee was asked. They said me that it will be refunded. First I thought that it was normal and I sent it. I received jpg pictures with text that I needed to write on Word in 5 days. After I received a message that I need to make another bigger payment to create my id card an this payment will be refunded. I did it. After I was asked to pay to create a Platinum code and promised to refund this payment. It was a bigger amount. They told me that "It will be the last payment", that they will refund. I did it. After they asked to pay for creation of portal. And promised that it will be the last payment. It was bigger than previous. I did it. But I was asked to pay again. And I didn't have enough money to make that payment...

I started asking to prove me those payments with official documents. But they didn't do that. Just started sending me unclear screenshots of Binance account. And one of messages was "show it to your uncle"

Only then I opened an official website of Optimum recruit company. I wrote them about payments that I did and asked to explain me them. I received an answer that shocked me. They wrote me: "It’s nothing to do with our company, it’s a scammer". I didn't know what to do.

Those fake recruiters made amount much smaller that I was able to pay it, so I did it.

Today I received an email that my payment is pending from Citibank to Neteller account. But I received this message not from Neteller mail, but from Ezoic limited company. On Google I found that it is related with earning from adds or something like that.
But it can't arrive to my account because it is not connected to Citibank.

And because of this problem I was asked to make 2000 usd payment to "make a new portal", because they couldn't pay me via Neteller.


I refused to pay it. I told that I know from legit source that they didn't send me any payment. And I wrote that I will say that source only after a payment. I received an answer that offended me a lot.

Is it possible to get at least a part of these money? Can someone make an advice? What I should do now?

PS. I had some problems making payments. And they asked photo of my debit card, information to login to my Neteller account, that they could help me to solve those problems. It looked suspicious for me, but I didn't pay attention to that.