ScaredyCatGuide Ponders the Time Vs. Money Dilemma

Alot of things in life come down to time vs. money. This week I have family visiting and trying to entertain while keeping most of my schedule intact is trying at times. It's at these times I realize the dynamic of time vs. money.


Time Vs. Money

Let me give a very basic example from my day.....

Today I did some running around shopping, buying groceries and other items needed to host dinner at my place for some friends and family. Being a single guy I just don't have alot of the typical dinner ware and serving dishes used when hosting dinner for a group of people.

After being at the second, and ideally last store for the day I realized there were items I needed to make dinner somewhat presentable. Items I knew I could get at a budget friendly store rather than where I was.

The Question

Do I go to yet another store up the road for these items or overpay for them at the store I was currently standing in.

If I buy up the road I save $10, but easily spend another 30 minutes of my time (and sanity)

If I buy where I am I save 30 minutes, but save 30 minutes.

My Answer

Given the extra busy schedule this week it made complete sense to spend an extra $10 to save a half hour and some frustration.


In recent years I have learned to value my times and what it is worth. Although this example is a bit more trivial it displays the point I want to make.

Is the value of your time worth the extra cost. By freeing up a half hour I was able to take care of an extra errand and also find time to write this post, will that equal the $10 I spent, maybe not but I also saved on emotional cost by passing on the aggravation of another destination.

A Lesson?

Every day we are presented with choices that allow us to put in elbow grease of pay to have it done more convenient.

Whether it's cooking dinner or dining out
Cleaning a rental property myself or hiring a cleaning person
Changing the oil of my car or going to the lube shop.
Hiring a hanyman to replace a faucet rather than spending twice as long doing it myself.

OR whatever example you can apply to your life.

In the end - can I produce more with my time doing something constructive while spending $ to have others do the other things. Spending time on my business or craft while paying to time consuming tasks done for me.

How much am I worth per hour?

That's the question to ask yourself.

Thanks for the pic pixabay

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