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RE: Is there a God? A perspective from a scientific standpoint.

in #science8 years ago

It is a human fallacy to attempt to prove or disprove god, one which I sometimes am guilty of. God is to each person what they make of it. I've had a roller coaster ride with my beliefs and disbelief about god and sometimes I do question gods existence mainly as far as saying that it could be possible that a god may exist. What I do know is that if god does exist, I would be indifferent and go about my life the same way as I always have.



God is. We don't get to define Him.
God is NOT to each person what they make of it. That's insane reasoning!
We can try to ignore God but it doesn't really matter what theories we propose.
They don't change reality.
And a thousand human fabricated concepts don't put a tiny dent in the Truth.

Eternity exists.
Where you spend it matters.
So what you choose to believe in this short life matters incredibly for all eternity.

Please don't let people tell you that your own ideas have any ability to effect reality.
Different wishes about a brick wall won't change what happens if you drive into one at 100 kph.
And they won't change what happens when you die either.
That's determined by a simple test: either you want to know the real God, or you don't.

Stan, if Yahweh is indeed the God of the entire universe, why is he specifically male? Does he have a penis and balls? A Y chromosome? Why is he one of the two human genders? Why does he want women to be silent and obedient, never holding authority over men? Why does he revile homosexuality?

These are not the dispassionate, magnanimous views of a cosmic being. They are the views of Jewish men from thousands of years ago, or what an emotionally immature teenage boy today might believe.

It might be simpler but so would ignoring why you went off to school and just partying the whole time, rather than using the opportunity to make something more of yourself.

Life is such an opportunity! Time to take it seriously.

Both men and women are created "in God's image".
Sexual components are an artifact of our need to reproduce in this "matrix".
One should not over extend God's use of terms we can understand in all generations.
Our relationship to our human fathers in most civilizations gives us the best analog to the relationship God wants to have with us: "Abba", "Papa", "Daddy".

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