in #science6 years ago

Is it possible to transmit thoughts? Although science does not accept telepathy, numerous experiments have yielded really interesting data that can hardly be explained by the theory of probability or science as we currently know it.
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Telepathy is a parapsychological phenomenon that consists in the direct communication of thoughts (words, numbers, figures, etc.) and / or feelings between one mind and another without any use of sensory means and regardless of the distance between the sender and the sender. receiver and the material obstacles (walls, mountains, etc.) that are between them.

The first to give him the current name was one of the founders of the Society of Psychical Research: Frederick Henry Myers, who in 1882 introduced the term in an article published in Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research. Myers baptized the phenomenon inspired by terms ('telecommunications', 'telephone', 'telegraph') linked to the technological explosion of the time, he defined it as "the communication of impressions of any kind from one mind to another that is carried out independently of common sensory pathways. "

The question is not as simple as it seems, not only that telepathy is associated with extrasensory perception and anomalous cognition (1) but also, at least according to the optics of Esotericism, telepathy is linked to the functioning of certain chakras (2). ). In addition, even through unofficial voices, an attempt has been made to give a scientific explanation to the phenomenon through explanations of quantum physics; but a demonstrable explanation has not been reached and it is confirmed as something that goes beyond mere abstract speculation based on scientific concepts, which is why the supposedly scientific explanations have remained wrapped in the veil of pseudoscience.


The experiments have been many but there is one in particular that is certainly disconcerting, a blow to the skeptics, so to speak. The experiment that was carried out by the Russians in a war submarine. It consisted of the following:

On the one hand, there was a group of ten rabbits and on the other a group made up of the mothers of the ten rabbits, both groups were separated by 1,200 kilometers and a strict control was exercised over each group: the beats were controlled, the brain activity ( with encephalograms), each element was controlled in every second of the process. The group of pups were killed with electric shocks (so that all the rabbits would die simultaneously) and that, exactly at the moment when those rabbits were killed, the encephalogram showed that their mothers registered a sudden and palpable increase in brain tension ...

Other significant experiments were carried out between 2003 and 2004 by Rupert Sheldrake, biochemist and physiologist at the University of Cambridge. In each of Sheldrake's two experiments, participants had to find out who, from a group of four transmitters, was calling when the phone rang. The results were quite representative. Enrique de Vicente (director of YEAR / ZERO) tells us in his work "The hidden powers of the mind":

Telepathic communication between individuals.

The 63 participants in the first experiment made 571 attempts; in 40% of them they guessed who was calling them, while the results attributable to chance were only 25%. Subsequently, four of these participants were selected and they underwent 271 tests, which were recorded on video and made under a very rigorous observation. In this case, 45% of the calls were successful.

The success rate went up when the callers were friends or relatives.

A curious case was that of the experiment carried out in Bangalore (India) within the National Institute of Health and Neurosciences. There they took two subjects: a common man and the famous mentalist G. Senehi. Both were controlled all the time with functional magnetic resonance while trying to reproduce the drawing that a researcher had made and that telepathically tried to transmit to them. The common man did not do the task well, while the mentalist reaffirmed his fame by successfully completing the task. The mentalist's brain showed an activation of the right para-hippocampal gyrus while performing the task, while in the normal man's brain an activation of the lower left frontal gyrus was seen.

Finally, the last case is that of Professor Robert Mirris and Dr. Caroline Watt of the Koestler Institute at the University of Edinburgh. In his experiment, a hundred people were taken and asked to choose the boxes "sent mentally" by a subject who was in a remote place. The success rate was 50%, estimating the probability of such results as 1 in 14 million ...


Alice Bailey, beginning in 1919, began writing texts that she said were dictated by Djwal Khul, a great Tibetan teacher who supposedly dictated texts that she wrote between 1919 and 1949, the year she died. It could be said that it is a book about telepathy which in turn was written when receiving telepathic teachings ...

Obviously the whole issue seems doubtful, however draws attention to the following: 1) the book shares many common theoretical elements with other esoteric teachings, 2) the book presents points of development that could have been deduced from other esoteric teachings or that complement other esoteric theories, 3) the book has a great systematicity and, for anyone who knows esoteric issues, the contents presented are quite acceptable for intuition, compatible with the experience in many of its points and feasible for speculation in other aspects . Therefore, its content is quite credible in the context of the most accepted esoteric theories and the most common and documented paranormal experiences. Having said all this, I went on to present certain ideas from the book that I find particularly striking or important:

There are two types of telepathy:

  • The instinctive is based on the impacts of energy that come from the etheric body, has as a means of communication the etheric substance of all bodies (which are etherically connected to the etheric substance of the planet) and is exercised especially in the surrounding area to the third chakra or solar plexus, an area that is in direct contact with the astral body. It is usually expressed in phrases such as "I have the feeling of" and it is the telepathy that usually occurs between mother-child, twin brothers, friends, husbands; and, in general terms, among those who have a strong affective bond.

  • The intuitive is instead a telepathy that very few have and that requires a certain degree of spiritual evolution and training in meditation (unless it is an innate gift): it is a telepathy that involves the coronary chakra (the last chakra, the spirituality and the connection with the All) being a receiver of impressions from higher sources, which involves the ajna chakra or third eye as receiver of intuitions and transmitter, and which involves the laryngeal center (fifth chakra) as a formulator and Creator of thought at the astral-etheric level.

For success in telepathic work the following is recommended:

  • There should be no barriers between sender and receiver (such as hatred, rejection, envy, anger, etc.)

  • The transmitter does not have to worry as much about the receiver as he wants to transmit what he wants to transmit, for which he himself must see it clearly in his mind.

  • It would be good if for a minute or two the receivers built an energy link with the transmitter, for which it is advisable that they think about the transmitter with love and affection, forgetting then the personality of the sender.

  • Recipients should not be anxious, worried or stressed to receive the message clearly. Serenity and focusing on your visualization faculty is fundamental to a good process.

The two groups of people most apt to receive telepathic impressions are:

  • The unconscious receptors, which receive impressions with the solar plexus and send these impressions to the fifth chakra to be processed.

  • Those who have developed or are developing faculty of conscious reception, a type of reception that is mental in nature and is based on the famous ajna chakra or third eye.

Science and Telepathy

In the past, Soviet parapsychologists adhered to electromagnetic theory to explain telepathy and other similar phenomena. Following that line, the neurologist W. Bechterew postulated that between brain and brain the information could be transmitted through waves similar to the radiolà © cicas.

In another line of thought, it has been suggested that there could be particles of psychic energy that are carriers of the telepathic signal, particles capable of, by virtue of their hyperluminal velocities, transcending the barriers of space-time. They have been baptized in several ways, but the most popular are those of the astronomer V.A.Firsoff who called them "mindones" and that of the mathematician Adrian Dobbs who preferred the term "psitrons".

Is there a possible scientific basis ?.

The question becomes really interesting when we enter the field of Quantum Physics and we link the issue to concepts such as the "implicate order" and the "holographic brain". There is what is called "quantum entanglement", which refers to the fact that a single wave function describes two separate objects regardless of the distance between them, theoretically the wave that joins them can be spread throughout the universe and that each particle is shown separately in an indefinite state and together they have a definite description: as if the one did not exist without the other. In other words, this means that if you have two or more objects, to describe their quantum states you must refer to the quantum states of all the other objects in the system, even if they are spatially separated.

The above is evidently the situation underlying the so-called "Paradox E.P.R.", according to which two or more elementary particles that have ever been part of the same system, will maintain a non-causal connection and will continue to transfer information instantly even if they are separated. The said thing happens in general at the level of microscopic systems; but, if we think about it, that shares the fact that at the quantum level (a more "deep" level of reality than the macroscopic level) everything is interconnected, so there would be that "implicate order" that we referred to earlier and, as a consequence of that, the universe could no longer be understood as a machine but rather as a sort of immense multidimensional hologram.

But then: what happens if we apply the quantum understanding of phenomena to the understanding of the brain? The answer is as follows: the concept of the "holographic brain" emerges, a concept that tells us that the brain is like a hologram that in turn interprets a holographic universe (which is possible because of the "implicate order"). Hard to believe? No, especially if we consider that quantum entanglement has been observed mostly in photons and that recent scientific studies have shown that neurons produce and conduct photons, which would be channeled through the microtubules (parts of the microscopic scaffolding of the cells) and allow us to explain the synchronization of neuronal activity between large distances from cell to cell, which can not be explained sufficiently based on the electrical activity.

even some could be valid.
But then: how is telepathy explained based on all of the above? Simple: to be explainable the mechanics of the brain from a quantum perspective that enters the "implicate order" can be said, as stated by the physicist Michael Talbot, that the brain "can be seen as infinitely interconnected with the rest of the universe"; and so, if we believe together with the neurophysiologist Karl Pribam that consciousness is also structured holographically, we will understand that telepathy and other psychic powers are nothing but the product of immersions in the timeless dimensions that underlie the holographic structure of our minds. virtue of the "implicate order". And it is that, in a holographic universe, it is not necessary that the information go from one point to another because it is consubstantial to what we call "reality". So far, it might seem that everything is clear but in reality it is not. The following questions therefore arise:


Telepathy is a much more complex phenomenon than it seems in the first instance. In the beginning its understanding was limited to the esoteric field but now there are explanations about it that, despite not having reached the status of scientifically proven theories, not only have compatibility with scientific concepts but they are based on the latest discoveries of Physics . Now, arrived here, we can be dogmatic both in favor of one side and the other; but if we look at things with an open mind, we will not only see that the scientific explanation is not incompatible (at least in the essential) with the esoteric one but that the matter can be analyzed and find relations between one and another conceptualization of the phenomenon; or even, if you like, you can to a certain extent transform the concepts of the esoteric explanation into equivalent or linked concepts within what science is, in order to expand our understanding of the matter ...

And here we can resort to a phrase of the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzche, a philosopher who according to some was the first postmodern thinker; the phrase is as follows: << There are no facts, only interpretations >>




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