Watch Di Caprio's "Before the Flood" Free until Tomorrow

in #science8 years ago (edited)

I have so much respect for Steemit and the great community surrounding it. Every single member of this remarkable community is an innovator, profound thinker, early adopter, and creative genius in their own right, with the power to improve our immediate environments to spark large-scale positive change, together. For this reason, I'm sharing something that will be able to provide some direction for a lot of the day-to-day decisions we make.
Leonardo Di Caprio & Elon Musk - Before the Flood

Oscar-winning actor and United Nations Ambassador of Peace on Climate Change, Leonardo Di Caprio, recently released a film that discusses recent findings on the earth's—our home's—climate, following a tour of the world to explore this important issue. I believe everyone should see this movie, simply to be aware that this problem exists, since it's so absent from popular media.

Until Sunday November 6, you can see the full movie, "Before the Flood", for free on youtube:

Before the Flood youtube

Wishing you a great weekend and hopeful future, and here's to doing our part to make this world a better place, one positive step at a time. The more we know where we want to go, the easier it will be to get there; but it's going to take action.

Lots of Love,


Re-steemed to help this get more exposure.

"this important issue. I believe everyone should see this movie, simply to be aware that this problem exists, since it's so absent from popular media."

This is actually my most important issue in every day life. Priority over anything else related to our society.

Not gonna happen.
Di Caprio is a flaming hypocrite. He preaches one thing while he lives in a multi-million dollar yacht, and flys areound the world in his on private jet.
I suppose you could PAY me to watch it..but my price is high.

Whether or not Di Caprio is a good spokesperson doesn't matter in the least. The content is true, and should be viewed. Do you know how many hypocrites there are in the world with regards to climate change? At this point there are over 318 million in the united states alone. Even I drive a gasoline powered car to work every day, I don't do everything I can. Even if I did, it wouldn't make us any less fucked. Still, climate change is real, its caused by humans and CO2 / CH4 emissions (largely), and as a result of it the planet is already fucked. Get ready.

The content is false.
At best it's used out of context.
Climate change is natural.

CO2 is plant food.
When you View things in the proper perspective, it looks a mite different.


Can you link me to the articles from where each of these plots are derived? :)

I ask because you are showing me a bunch of information out of context, and 99% of the information I have seen presented to me (at conferences by actual experts in the areas of climate science) have indicated both that warming is happening and that it is compounded by human activities to an extreme amount. So either the hundreds of different analyses I have seen performed and had explained are false (they aren't) or you have been deceived by those who want to obfuscate the issue, and are unfortunately promoting bad science (you have, and you are). Nothing against you, I am sure you are a great person and your intentions are good!

you've made it abundantly clear with your parenthetical comments that it would be a waste of my time to continue this discussion (which I wont)

As I suspected. You are just trying to spread disinformation.

Who's gonna drop these truth bombs if you bail?

You mean when I said 'buh bye' to the plankton?
I'm not bailing..he was.
I'm either going down with the ship (I'll be here until Steemit goes dark)
Or...I'll be here forever.
I like it here.

Lol. Yeah, my bad. I was trying to respond to OP.

What truth bombs? The first plot is common sense of course oxygen production goes up. That doesn't make CO2 a non greenhouse gas.

The second two are wrong, at least from my cursory glance at them. I can't determine the context with out the actual article, so I might be misinterpreting what they are representing.

I've seen far too much data over the past few years for three plots to mean anything.

Agreed, and here's a chart (one of several like it and none that dispute it), which also shows declining continental flooding:

Whether or not the climate change we're experiencing is natural or man-made, we're speeding up the process by releasing the gases that were stored in trees & oil deposits. How we act with regards to this information will affect our children's abilities to live healthy lives, so the least we can do is learn as much as we can about it, so we can make informed decisions from this point forward.

Many celebrities are like that. They do charity or activism as means of promoting their personality. Advertising themselves.
Di Caprio has got millions. Why not direct some of that wealth to The Venus Project?

Climate change or not, it's not hard to see that this movie is a dishonest package deal filled with propaganda.

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