MMR Vaccine Causes 700% Increase in Autism: Whistleblower Exposes CDC Study Fraud

in #science8 years ago (edited)

"Science has proven that there is absolutely no link between vaccines and autism! Oh, Really?

The study always quoted as the Be-All-and-End-All Proof is a 2004 CDC study:

"Age at First Measles-Mumps-Rubella Vaccination in Children With Autism and School-matched Control Subjects: A Population-Based Study in Metropolitan Atlanta."

But what were the actual CDC study results?

A CDC Whistleblower has come forward with thousands of documents to prove that the CDC committed fraud!

The CDC changed the actual statistics and pressured the scientist, Dr. William Thompson, who headed up the study, to lie about the problematic results.

The results ACTUALLY verified the link that Dr. Andrew Wakefield had suggested back in 1998.

The hypothesis was that if the MMR vaccine is received at an earlier age, it is more likely to cause autism than if it is received at an older age.

The CDC was pushed by Congress to study this issue after Dr. Andrew Wakefield had testified before the US congress that this should be further studied to ensure the safety of children receiving the recommended vaccine schedule.


What did the CDC Study really find?

In the African-American group there was 264% increase in autism if the child got the vaccine between 12-18 months versus after 3-years-old.

In the "Isolated Autism" group there was up to a 700% increase in the rate of Autism if one of these healthy children got the vaccine between 12-18 months versus after 3-years-old.

"Isolated Autism" means that autism was the only issue they had, meaning that they didn't have epilepsy or other co-morbid issues. These were perfectly healthy children for the first year of life, then after 1-year, they had environmental impact, right at the time they would have received the MMR Vaccine, and they declined into Autism.

If they have committed fraud on this study, what other studies has the CDC committed fraud on? How can we not assume that the same thing is taking place on other studies? Especially when we know many studies done by universities are paid for by the Pharmaceutical Industry?

Del Bigtree, in the above video, concludes with this:

"We must create an independent safety study body that is fire-walled against the pharmaceutical industry so that we can make sure that every single vaccine is safe."

My thoughts @canadian-coconut: These are shocking results. I already believed all the parents (thousands of them) who have spoken out and said that their healthy, normal child immediately changed for the worst after vaccines. There is no reason for them to lie and it is strong circumstantial evidence. The CDC knew the truth before 2004, and they hid it! They have ridiculed all those who believe that vaccines contribute to autism. Many, many more children have been harmed over those years because of this fraud. It is time for this fraud to be exposed and talked about.


So hard to read and so hard to see this over and over again in my work with autistic children. Constant reports of regression between12 and 18 months. These children have been poisoned 😪

I am still unsure what my opinion is on the connection between the MMR and autism. I was only diagnosed last year, but I recall that my mother told me that after I recieved a vaccine at 12 months, I changed considerably. This predates an awareness of autism and also the MMR, so I'm not sure exactly what the vaccine was called, but I surmise that it would have been very similar to the MMR.

DTap tripedia , vaccine says it can cause autism, but that vax insert has been scrubbed...i have a screen shot of the package insert showing that. Though my thought on this topic is that it doesnt really matter whether we can find an insert showing it causes autism. They readily admit to all the other gut/brain neuroimflammatory conditions Guillain Barre etc... so we KNOW it can cause autism manifestations, all thes toxic adjuvants and cell lines are creating these conditions in my opinion. Which are all similiar neural and immune adaptations/responses

Yes. It is terrible, and you get to see it more than most when you try to help people put some of the pieces back together.
The lies and deception need to stop -- and quick!

I gave both my girls the vaccines individually over a 1 year period - had to pay privately for it, and it was worth every penny. For me when Tony Blair would not say whether his children had had the combined MMR, whilst advocating that parents should make sure their children are vaccinated, that said everything. My children are healthy and intelligent children because we made this decision.

Very interested to see the Steem communitys take on the antivax perspective/fact. Definitely always important to do the due diligence for matters as important as these. Unfortunately this reminds me a lot of how Exxon climate scientists knew of climate change decades before anything was done about it.
Nonetheless, good on you for bringing it to light.

Thank-you @guyvoltaire. To find out what some other Steemit users think about this issue, you could go to my blog and check out the comments on some my posts. I have had a few people speak up about how they have experienced vaccine injury in their own family. A few others have said that they chose not to vaccinate at all. And of course a few argued with me about the dangers of vaccines, thankfully mostly respectfully, but occasionally in a rude way. I appreciate your comment. I believe that future generations will be shocked at how we ignored something so obvious and harmful.

Didn't the Italian courts rule recently, or at least an Italian judge rule that there was a link between vaccines and autism?

Yes they did. I think it was an individual law suit that the Italian court found in favor of the person suing for vaccine injury. I haven't read up on that case. The reason that we don't see more cases like that is that in the USA & Canada and other countries, the Pharmaceutical companies are protected by law from being sued for vaccine injury. The argument is that if people were allowed to sue that they would lose money on the vaccines and then quit producing these "life saving" products. I think that was a huge mistake though, because now the pharmaceutical companies have zero incentive to create a safer vaccine product.

You sure have been generating a lot of flags with some of your recent posts! Must be challenging some world views.

This article is indeed an important piece. I meant so much of the hope for a future for an autism free world depends the realization of a consensus on stopping the habitual use of these typical government or otherwise issues vaccines. And to think that due to the fact there exists discovered means to make way much safer forms of vaccines , that it would imply hope for a better change, that is obviously not the case. The is a lack of interest or a threat to someone's interest, a s it regards the use of there safer methods that shows 'VALUE for HUMAN LIFES and QUALITY of LIVING'.

in any country that espouses respect for natural rights, this is not about whether or not vaccines are safe. this is about individual choice. if you are denied the right to choose, there are no rights. either you own yourself and the product of your labor or you don't. also, we do need to stop polluting our habitat and stop practices that are increasing desertification. this human caused climate change, however, we need to take a long hard self educating look at and , learn that while the oil companies are pumping our environment full of chemicals, climate change is a different thing. is it altogether separate? no, but, we are at most exacerbating it, minimally. there is something much larger at work here. it is called the sun. the pollution in need of our focus is chemical, biological, radio-logical, nano-pollution, electromagnetic, geoelectrical, et cetera. i could make an expanded list but, it would take hours and no one would read it. our contribution to climate change, other than desertification from monocropping, is so tiny as to be negligible in the face of the forces at work in the solar system. anyone genuinely interested in discussing the bewildering number of elements involved in this is welcome to pick a venue. i'm not sure this is the place.

Is there any way to get a link to the actual CDC study? Is there any way to get access to the data to reinterpret the findings? This is really interesting, but hard for me to get behind when there is not a citation to the study or comments referred, I checked the youtube channel and it only leads to their website. I also googled the study and found no results.

ooooo thanks a million!!! will definitely be checking this out

What do you suggest rules out the final appeal to the AAP? Simply a government coverup?

That's a hard one to answer, and there are many possible answers.
One thing is true though, that if they admit the mistake they have made in causing so many cases of autism (and other type of damage and death)
that the government and pharmaceutical companies would go broke from all the lawsuits,
and people would lose confidence in the vaccine industry.
Basically heads will roll.
This type of thing has happened before. When it was discovered that the original Polio vaccine was contaminated with a monkey virus SV-40 that causes cancer,
the government decided to keep it quiet and fire the scientists who discovered it,
because they did not want to admit their mistake to the people.
I have a great book about that whole incident.

In the case of the polio vaccine, they started out with good intentions, but were utterly unwilling to admit failure and the fact that they started a possibly worse problem than polio, the huge rise in cases of cancer.

So we could speculate that people were completely evil in intent from the beginning in regards to autism,
or we could realize that even if it started out with good intent,
once the scientific attempt to manipulate and play God goes bad,
that they will continue to refuse to be accountable at all cost ... and at that point it doesn't matter if they are putting people in a worse place than they were before they attempted to play God in the first place.

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