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RE: Marijuana Risks and Adverse Effects: The real story

in #science8 years ago

Do you consume cannabis ? If you do, how often ? :)
I find cannabis very helpful for my ADD, migraines, nerve pain in shoulder & knee and sleeping problems. I can also meditate in peace and my dick stands harder than ever! :D

You should maybe use more than one page to refer. NCBI might not be the best place to search for neutral info.


I agree. The only addiction I've witnessed has been addiction to the relief it brings.

Believe you're addicted to cannabis? You have deeper issues than you're aware of. It's like saying an arthritis sufferer is addicted to tylenol.

I'd already known the biomechanisms prior to writing this piece so I pulled up a few random articles that had similar information on them. No I don't consume. Tis Illegal here else I likely would partake in cbd strains. I certainly would be eating hemp leaves.

You should try consuming cannabis before you copy things from the web.. People actually think everything you read from the web is true..
There are so much false info about dangers of cannabis. I'm not saying it's completely harmless but it gives me way more than it takes from me.
You can write anything you want, but please try cannabis at least few times and make your opinion based on that, not on what you read from the web. You might actually be surprised.

This is a public website and I live in a state where it is illegal. I've heard of no false info about cannabis dangers besides the anectdotes that it turns people into rapists or murderers. I know "someone" who smoked for 3 years straight multiple times a day and can speak to the symptoms which develop from high thc strains. Besides the "health" and "risks" portions I didn't copy a lick in writing this.(besides learning from reading many years ago), the science is my own amalgamation of atleast 15 different works at the time of my research explaining the symptomology and the neural pathways which govern memory, tolerance, pain, and impotence. Though nowadays they have it all nice and neat for your viewing pleasure so I added a couple. You likely are smoking mixed strains, or perhaps your endocannabinoid system isn't broken to begin with.

Of course you can do whatever you want, I didn't mean to disrespect you. I live in a country where it is illegal also, but I believe that my crime has no victims.

Well, I know quite a few people who has been smoking daily for years, including myself. Couple of them even for decades almost every single day. Only very few of us smoke CBD- strains every now and then but 99% normal ones.. So we have some knowledge of what long term smoking can do to you :)
Problems with short term memory is maybe the most common thing for daily smokers. Since I was a kid, I've had ADD and I start one thing and then another thing and never finish anything because I forget what I was doing and keep going. Cannabis helps me focus on only one thing at a time and then go on to next one, I just write TO DO - list for myself :) I have been writing those before I started to smoke cannabis because it helps me remember what I was going to do.
But still it affects your memory, that is correct in my opinion.
It helps with my nervepain in shoulder also and my migranes are not so heavy and they don't come as often. What comes to limp dick, only problems I've heard are the same ones as with alcohol; you just can't get it hard enough :D But when you wake up, morning wood is there ;)

As said before, it gives me way more than it takes from me. But it is good that you give info for the bad things also! Just remember to be objective !

... you clearly havn't read through the lines so i'll say it. Of course I've smoked before. Of course I have first hand knowledge on this issue. Of course it's effective against migraines and nervepain. "regular" strains generally contain alot of cbd also. Yes, most people will see a benefit. Some people though will see decreasing returns and eventual worsening of symptoms from chronic thc use. Consider yourself lucky this not to be the case with you. That your likely still producing endocannabinoids which recover your cb1 receptor density.

Well, I am sorry for not reading your mind. Maybe you should just say what you mean. :)
Where did you get this "THC is dangerous if you smoke too much of it?" - thing ? I would say most people have no problems from chronic use of THC, because there is always CBD in strains. There might be 100% THC- oil available in some countries but still it takes a huge amount of money to afford smoking on a daily basis. In most countries (like here) there are no oil-smoking culture and and it is nearly impossible to get that in your hands.

Things might be different in there, if you can get 100% THC-oil for reasonable price but I highly doubt that.

You can always use too much of something and it gets dangerous, even water.

Even consistant use of sativa's with primarily thc can eventually lead to a lowered cb1 receptor density which is what causes the lack of memory recall, anxiety, increased pain, etc. Can take a week to recover in those who are healthy and in those who are not cb1 receptor density would only have a chance to recover with cbd use.

Some people like indica, some sativa, some hybrids and some likes all of them. I personally don't think it is wise to smoke only strong sativas daily because not everyone can handle high THC%, it is too psychoactive.

Wait so now he has tried it after saying he didn't ? Dude I can't figure this writer out. I need to look up how to read minds article on n here

You did a cut and paste job basically. Can't upvote sorry

You should try it
And then write a follow up about it

With the level of intrusiveness with which profiles are going to be made on peoples habits and stances on various issues now and in the future, I think it unwise to list duration and frequency of illegal behaviors. w/e you do you man.