Space Weather Daily Update for 16 February, 2018
Space Weather Watch, Sun & Health/Volcanoes
A quiet last 24 Hours on the Earth Facing disc as everything moves off. The solar wind briefly went up twice in the last 24 hours. We expect the solar winds and geomagnetic storms to uptick later today due to the coronal hole moving on.
Earthquakes and volcanoes of note
- 5.3 magnitude earthquake near Amahai, Maluku, Indonesia
- 5.1 magnitude earthquake North of Severnaya Zemlya - the north pole as north pole gets
Space Objects
The last few Near-Earth Objects(NEO) that have been spotted in 2018.
Other News
~ Ben Davidson (Suspicious0bservers ) at
I am not affiliated with Ben Davidson or his work. I am a subscriber to SuspiciousObservers YouTube channel.
- Space Weather News
- Quake Watch
- Earth Changes - mobile app
Space Weather

Asteroid Watch

Average distance between Earth and the moon is about 239,000 miles (385,000 kilometers).
Object | Flyby Date | AU distance | Approximate Sixe |
(2018 CX2) | 2018-Feb-16 | 0.04420 | 21 m - 47 m |
(2018 CP2) | 2018-Feb-19 | 0.01563 | 38 m - 85 m |
(2018 CJ) | 2018-Feb-20 | 0.02379 | 50 m - 110 m |
(2016 CO246) | 2018-Feb-22 | 0.03909 | 16 m - 36 m |
(2017 DR109) | 2018-Feb-24 | 0.00947 | 8.0 m - 18 m |
Close Approach Database
Let the positive energy sing!
More Power to the Minnows!!

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Get your old school text based gaming on.

I have to admit I don't know much about this stuff but I find it fascinating how all ties together in some unexplained way.... thanks for the post!
Well, in simple terms. Things in space affect Earth more than people know or want to admit.