Psychopaths Can Save Humanity - An Introduction

in #science6 years ago (edited)

In this modest and efficient series, we will put forward a solution to solve many of the world’s major problems by tricking 50,000 psychopaths into entering a Benevolent Evil Psycho Battle To Rescue Humanity.

Own Work


Why would Psychopaths care about humanity?

They definitely wouldn't.

Can we trust Psychopaths?

We definitely shouldn't.

So why would we entrust people who we definitely can't trust with saving our fragile species?

Simply, they will be manipulated into carrying out our benevolent, human-loving agenda whilst still operating under the assumption that they are following their own personal, nefarious aims.

But more on that tantalizing goodness later.

Own Work

Everything in the Universe has a purpose. Areas of the Sahara that were thought to be barren and useless turned out to be an abundant source of fertilizer that feeds and nourishes The Amazon 3,000km away. [1]

This golden rule of purpose applies also to humans. Genetic diversity allows a myriad of personalities cooperating in unison to further propagate the human race.

In the last million years ‘people’ developed and evolved the ability to learn from those around them, which allowed for cumulative, non-genetic (& non random) evolution [2]

Own Work

Psychopaths clearly have a grand purpose that simply hasn’t been acknowleged due to a backward thinking, cotton-wool society.

Therefore anybody who entertains the thought that psychopathic individuals shouldn’t be allowed to roam unrestrained and unrestricted wherever they please, to do whatever they want to whomever they want, then you’re pissing on and hating the entire universe.

Detesting everything in existence is a quick path to isolation, insanity and some sort of sexually-orientated suicide.

Universe despising naysayers, feel free to read further upon the gruesome effects of social isolation in US Army ordered experiments. [3]

Selection of the Psychopathic Saviours


Exactly how many psychopaths are there in the world for us to choose from? Research suggests between 0.75 - 1% of the general population are psychopaths [4]

Meaning there are roughly 70 million psychopaths roaming the Earth, probably just down the road from you and your loved ones - pets and old people count as loved ones.

To put that into non-boring perspective, that’s more people than the populations of the UK, Thailand and France uncombined.[5]

Only utilizing 0.07% of the global psychopath population leaves a massive reserve of global psychopaths lurking helpfully in the shadows, waiting to be tooled up, drugged up and sent into annihilate the previous psychopaths we need to dispense of in order to give rise to a fresh, clean start.

You probably thought this was going to be some reckless endeavour that could balloon terrifyingly out of control into dystopian horror-core, but this plan B has shown that we take safety and consequences most seriously.

But 50,000 is a lot of people to find. How do we do it?

Personality questionnaires entitled 'Find out how much of a psycho you REALLY are!' will be circulated throughout facebook and then...psyche


We will use a combination of solid science and moderately warped justice.
Mainly science though nod to steemstem mods


Do you know where we can find a high density of psychopaths within a general population?

That magical place; prison.

A quarter of the incarcerated for the most serious of offences are diagnosed as psychopaths [6]. Now, I’m in no way suggesting that we unleash proven, violent, criminal psychopaths into the world. I’ll be saying that in part 2. What I am saying now is that even saving the world has a strict budget.

Prisoners are a perfect cost saving measure [7] because you get a free labour force that are desperate enough to agree to almost anything. From a moral perspective it's completely acceptable to do this because research suggests the majority of society believes that prisoners should not have rights. [7b]

Now that we know that it's ethically watertight to do whatever we feel like to the prisoners even if we're drunk - and most importantly that they're cheap - we need to discuss how exactly we can locate our heroic psychopaths.

1 - Brain scanning

Psychopaths' Brains Show Differences in Structure and Function. They have reduced connections in areas of the brain responsible for fear, guilt, empathy and anxiety. [8]

Left: The subgenual anterior cingulate cortex, responsible for empathy (Credit) | Right: Amygdala, responsible for response to fear (Credit)

Mobile MRI scanners have been transported to prisons before, so this wouldn't be a logistical or security issue.[9]

2 - Speech Patterns

Psycopaths’ speech mirrors their cold, detached and selfish personality.

The words of the experimental subjects matched these descriptions. Psychopaths used more conjunctions like "because," "since" or "so that," implying that the crime "had to be done" to obtain a particular goal. They used twice as many words relating to physical needs, such as food, sex or money, while non-psychopaths used more words about social needs, including family, religion and spirituality. [10]


3 - Recognition of facial expressions

Due to the weakened brain connections in charge of fear, psychopaths have a hard time to identify fearful expressions in others. A study showed various photos of humans displaying various expressions. Psychopaths scored significantly lower than the control group in the ability to recognize people who were afraid. [11]

Now let’s move onto the most important question that everyone is dying to know: What will be the rules of the Evil Race? Well the answer is that that question will be answered in subsequent parts. We are quite poor at time-keeping so in order for you to be able to read part 2 I advise -for your sole and personal benefit- to subscribe to @hugmug and @steemstem.


Sahara - Rainforest. Watch a satellite video of this courtesy of NASA

The need for genetic diversity.

Social Isolation Effects

% of psychopaths in general population

country populations by number

% of incarcerated psychopaths

[7] Prison labour is cheap.
‘average weekly earnings during incarceration are $39.31’ Pg 95


51% of people think that prisoners shouldn't have rights

More details on the brain scanning of psychopaths


Mobile MRI scanners previously sent to prisons


The speech patterns of psychos

Lack of emotional recognition of fear


Have you heard about Le Chatelier's principle of chemical equilibrium? It's states that when a an external constraint is imposed on a system in equilibrium, the equilibrium will shift in order to cancel or annul the external constraint.

I'd like to think the world was created in same effect, the world is a balanced place with just the right amount of certain individuals.

This is a very good read.

I haven't heard of Le Chatelier's principle but I wish I had known about it prior to the article as it sounds similar to the idea I was trying to get at.

Thanks so much. I will do some research into this.

It's a chemistry principle actually.

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This is very well explained about psychopaths @hugmug. I really can't wait to read the rules of the evil race.

Really and interesting posts but I still don't understand how and in what areas these psychopaths can be used

That's why you have to stay tuned to find out in the later parts . Sorry for being evil ^^

Hey @hugmug, through your post I know about psycopaths. To be honest, I really don't know about psycopaths now I am able to know something about psycopaths. But i don't understand how can they save the humanity.??

Thanks for your message. There will be more explanation and information to come soon. Keep watching ^^

Everyone of us has it's own purpose. Sane or insane, good or bad. They are here to stay to make the world balance.

I agree. The world surely couldn't exist without the balance.

'Without good there's no bad,
Without wood there's no fire,
Without the hood the posh house price wouldn't be higher'

Wait. Is it not nefarious (and a bit Machiavellian) to secretly conspire to manipulate psychopaths, and even further, sadistic to find it "tantalizing" to do so?


1, 2, and 3, also apply to most of us with Autism.

This is very well explained about psychopaths @hugmug. I really can't wait to know the rules of the evil race.

Glad I could inspire some curiosity. I'll do my best! Thanks

You're most welcome

How feasible is this ? Sounds dangerous though
This is an interesting piece still
Thanks for sharing

Oh it will be dangerous for a few people. Innocent people will die, but the world and humanity overall will be better off. Utilitarianism.

@hugmug, you never say how they can save humanity? I agree, everything has a purpose. I believe their purpose is to show us the consequences of poor lifestyle habits, lack of love and attention. It is now well established in the literature the affects of traumatic childhood experiences, lack of love and attention, poor nutrition and lifestyle on the gut microbiome, which is critical to all aspects of human life including mood and behavior. The sum total of all of these stressors produce a brain that has less connections, as you mention, between the prefrontal cortex and the fear and impulse centers of the brain making us less able to understand social queues and less able to control our behavior, more prone to psychsocial problems. Bringing this awareness to the general population, with psychopaths as examples, is one way they can help. Is this your purpose. Thanks for the thought provoking message.

Thanks so much for your details information. I might steal it ^^

The purpose is to solve global issues such as the wealthy, the environment.

Feel free to subscribe . The second part is coming in the next day or so.

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