7 curiosities that you may not know about the Earth

in #science8 years ago (edited)

As much as always we know there will be something more to know. But it is interesting to come across curiosities that often seem so obvious, just never occurred before repararmos about it. For example: Everest is the highest point on earth, but it is not far from the highest mountain. Confused? Check it:

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The Earth is smoother than a billiard ball

You may have heard the statement that if the earth were reduced to the size of a billiard ball would be even smoother than esta.Uma billiard ball is about 5.7 cm in diameter with a deviation of +/- 0:01 cm. Given that the Earth has a diameter of 12,735 km, and without telling seas and mountains, could be said that our planet is quite liso.Mas the most surprising is still relying on the highest point, Everest (8,850 m), and the deeper the pit of the Marianas, -11.000m), the Earth would be within the parameters acceptable to a billiard ball, so turn the urban legend is true.

The Earth is bulged

Okay, the Earth is flat, but is sufficiently round? As everyone knows, our planet is not a perfect sphere, and this is due to its own rotation. Centrifugal force causes the planet to bend slightly oblate spheroid-shaped, so that if we measure the diameter of the poles and compare with Ecuador diameter, obtained a difference of 42.6 kilometers. And this is much more than would admit to a billiard ball.

Destroy the Earth is quite complicated

What would be needed to vaporize a planet like Earth? If we define vaporize how to turn into pieces so small they disperse and can not be united again by gravity, the amount of energy required would be enormous. If we wanted to disintegrate the Earth by nuclear bombs, for example, a large arsenal and a lot of time would be necessary. If explodíssemos all existing nuclear weapons on our planet every second, it would take 160,000 years to turn the Earth into a cloud of gas in espaço.Inclusive large stellar collisions are not enough to dematerialize a planet. The earth received the impact of a Mars-sized object for several million years and the resulting waste formed the moon, but not erased on the map. This is why the radius of the Death Star in Star Wars is not science fiction, but simply fantasy. The amount of energy required to disintegrate a planet is very high, including the dark side of the Force.
New technologies, further studies allow scientists to toast us with new curiosities related to the planet we live on. It may seem silly to know that certain phenomenon will happen in 10,000 years, but what results is extremely interesting to know that such a phenomenon exists. (Note :. This item ignores the existence of Goku).

The Earth is getting fatter

On your journey around the sun, our planet lunched enormous amounts of stellar waste from small asteroids to the cosmic dust that we see across the sky on the nights of all verão.Ao, every day fall to our planet 20 to 40 tons of this material, sufficient to fill a six-story along a ano.Esta 0.0000000000000000006 quantity only represents the mass% of our planet and would require 450,000 billion years building to double the mass of earth that is modo.Apesar little, and that the atmosphere also loses mass in turn, the balance is positive for the earth and we can say that it is, every day, more chubby.

The Earth and the Moon distanced

For several million years that the Moon is moving away from Earth at a slow pace, but steady. Scientists estimate that the removal rate is about 3.8 centimeters per year, which in the long run will come to take the moon to a critical distance.

However, astronomers think that in 5 billion years, when the Sun will become a giant red atmosphere expansion will cause the process to be reversed. The Moon will again approach the earth and will eventually disintegrate to overcome the so-called Roche limit (18,470 kilometers on our planet) exploding into a thousand pieces and forming a spectacular ring like Saturn, around the Earth.

Tides in the atmosphere

Although the effect is almost priceless, a variation of meager 100 microbars, scientists confirmed by detailed statistical measurements that the force of the moon not only travels the seas and the earth but also the mass of air surrounding our planet.

Although the movement is so small that hardly supposes 0.01 percent of atmospheric pressure on the surface, the data reveals that the moon's gravitational power can change a lot.

Tons of cosmic matter fell every year from the atmosphere

According to space.com data, the amount of cosmic dust that falls every year on Earth exceeds 30,000 tons. Most of this material comes from the asteroid belt located between Mars and Jupiter.

The fragments come from the constant collisions between asteroids and are dragged into the solar system. A good amount of them are constantly entering our atmosphere.

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