
Thanks for video. Babylon never went away. Mystery Babylon is all around us and most people don't see it. Great Amazin Prime movie called "In the Shadow Of Babylon." It's a sermon, but he is very good. He has another great one on the beast system here

I have a whole lot to say on it, if you want to check some of it out.

Another great video on Mystery Babylon on Amazon Prime by same person, "In the Shadow of Babylon."

Sorry I don't address video dumps, as stated in the previous post. Kind of a waste of time and doesn't demonstrate personal understanding, just absorption of what's being thrown in your direction

Lol... Picture worth a thousand words, and a video worth a thousand pictures. What do you want explained? Most people don't understand 'why' the government would lie...but most don't understand Alchemy and Kabbalism. It was a reply to someone posting on Mystery Babylon. You should look into the history of Newton, Copernicus, Kepplar. I would provide a video, but you wouldn't watch it. I'll summarize so I don't show my ignorance by posting it. They were alchemists. Know the true history, don't just absorb what's being thrown in your direction.

I'm aware of my history. Newton was an Alchemist and in that sense, unfortunately, a fool. But it was a sign of his times.

Darwin struggled with his beliefs and held off publishing for years because he knew it would enrage the religious - as in, everyone.

Just because they achieved a lot doesn't mean they were right. Nobody has actually done alchemy. If they had, we'd have used it by now.

Picture worth a thousand words, and a video worth a thousand pictures.

This is based on an idiom, not facts and evidence. A picture of a wall is not worth a thousand words. Words can be far more valuable than images and videos. I mean, just compare most novels to their movie counterparts.

I don't require an explanation to be convinced. As I said a few times on here, I am under no pretense that I can convince anybody, or anybody can convince me. The point is to learn why people like yourself think the way you do, so I can get a better understanding. It's a different learning process.

Dumping a video has no value towards that cause. It just provides me with more nonsense conspiracy talk.

Fair enough, I could say the same back, "Not sure why you think the way you do...." and, "Can't change anyone's mind...". One thing I find consistently in these arguments is an assumption that people who believe in FE don't understand modern physics. I would argue that by in large they know it more than most.....which is why they reject it. Higgs fields that become 'ether' and multi-verse matrix simulations have moved the subject to metaphysics. Misinterpretation of experiments that show a stationary earth were morphed into Lorenz contractions and special relativity, where nothing is as it seems and now a select few wander through their equations trying to make sense of senseless answers. Most have neither the time or inclination to question it. False experiments like Focault's pendulum's and the Cavendish experiment are taken as 'scientific proof.' Confirmation bias digs the hole deeper and here we are, no one ever questions it. It will become clear as (meta)physics rambles on, that you will either have to believe you live in a simulated, potentially 'alien generated' multi verse as an insignificant spec of dust.....or you don't.... Nice to have alternatives.

I've objectively shown many of their knowledges to be wrong in the comments, if you have a read, for example the video about a mountain that should be beyond the horizon but isn't. The commentor demonstrated a lack of understanding of earth physics, which I enlightened on.

Thats not to say I'm a pro. but to say

I would argue that by in large they know it more than most

Is implying that people using Google know more than those who spend their entire lives working in these particular fields which is kind of insulting.

What tends to happen is that they get enough of an understanding that facts become a little blurry and so much easier to fit into their own personal narrative, but not enough understanding to be right.

The difference between FE's, religious, conspiracy theorists etc, and people like me, is this:

FE etc: 'They don't know the answer/they are wrong. Therefore it's actually like this' and 'that is an anomaly, clearly lies made by those who did it'.

Me etc: 'We don't know the answer, yet. It'll take time but we will get a reliable answer in time' and 'That is an anomaly, let's look deeper and find out why'

The need for an answer, to settle on something, to not be lost and out of control in the unknown is precisely why we have conspiracy theorists, religious people and so on across most the globe. The more you become comfortable with not knowing, the more your eyes open to the fantastic complexity of human progress.

Everyone needs to learn from early school days that 'Googling' isnt 'research'. The internet is a wonderful tool but it's too often being used incorrectly and dividing the world politically among everything else.

Your science is religion, and your 'proofs' are 'google'....I observe no motion, yet you say we spin at 1000mph because you google it. The sun appears close, yet you google it to be 93 million miles away. I see diverging rays, yet you google that they are actually parallel. I observe flat horizons at high altitude, yet 'enlightened commentators' say they see curvature at 35k ft. You believe we live in a matrix simulation because you google quantum theory, but have no understanding of it and take it on 'faith' while calling it 'science.' You've never been to space but you Google CGI images from a space agency that can't get its continents colored or sized correctly. Planets look very different through telescopes, yet you say we have 'cassini' showing a 'hexagon' on Saturn, a pagan symbol on a pagan god. Ships don't disappear over a horizon, the bottoms are lost from atmospheric lensing that is replicated with a piece of paper and a magnifying glass. Cities that are seen across lakes that shouldn't be, mountains shouldn't be visible yet are. You believe we are tilted 66.6deg from horizontal, have a curvature of 0.666ft/mi squared and revolve around your sun god at 66,600mph. You say a day isn't 24hrs, that winter occurs when we are closest to the sun, the moon is 'tidal locked.' You trust that we went to the moon with Freemason astronauts on 'Apollo' missions, but cannot study any of the data because it was 'lost' and we conveniently can't go back. I believe time is unchanging yet you google it to be dynamic. Matter appears stable, yet you google that it expands with speed. You say it is belief in God that ailes the world, but I say it is faith in science. Just realize that in one of your multiple universe simulations, you're a flat earther....

The founding High Priest of Scientism were known Satanist & occultist. Nazis brought to the US were occultist that founded NASA & Jack Parsons the founder of Jet Propulsion Laboratory was a well known Satanist.
The One World Religion already exists & most people blindly believe everything these evil people tell them to believe without one lick of true scientific proof!


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