Here’s a Company Growing Real Meat from Stem Cells

in #science8 years ago

I'm not sure if you heard about it but there has been a company which has made a real breakthrough in synthetic meat.
It is great news for all meat eaters who think that consumption of meat is a a terrible animal cruelty and catastrophic strain on Earth's ecosystems but have had hard time getting off meat consumption due to strong psychological and habitual attachments.

"The World's First Cultured Meatball"

Link to article in Scientific American with great podcast interview with Memphis Meats CEO, performed by popular neuroscientist Sam Harris:

Link to company:


If it's not genetically modified, it should be OK for consumption. I wouldn't mind some long-term trials though.

No it's not genetically modified.
Anyhow it is identical to meat carved out of animal as these cells come from animal and are simply multiplied.
I do not think you need long-term clinical trials for such food.

But your point was interesting :-)

I like the idea, I love innovation and creative people

Yes, I agree. This is a great technology with enormous potential.
For me such innovators, scientists and technicians are the real heroes of humanity and they should have monuments built.
Not like some people with monuments built who contributed nothing to betterment of humanity except kliing people or making profits on expesne of other (soldiers, bankers etc).

thank you for your answer bro, hope your article hit 10k $ because the effort that you have do to share with us this great infos, keep that way of thinking bro I will support you like I support any good content on steemit

Oh Thanks. I have to admit that I hd few silly posts but, in general I try to stick to information which I find that actally matters and is importnat to all fo us such as climate change/state of environment, scientific literacy, social justice, current level of science and technology, human/LGBT/women's rights, social discrimination etc.

Big deal. Veridian Dynamics has been doing this stuff for years.

There has been few companies but non of them got to this level.
Here are some TED video posted few years ago:
"Andras Forgacs: Leather and meat without killing animals "

Hold on. Isn't Veridian Dynamics fictional company out of this satirical show? Haha you got me :-)

Couldn't resist. One of the most underrated shows of all time!

"... and I will have the test tube t-bone please." :-)

It's hard to imagine where this technology will go in a couple of years.

Yes, that's so true. In general stem cell technology has massive potential.
Like saving people's life by growing organs and tissue. For example for skin burns/damage and transplants !!!

I have three boys with X linked Alport Syndrome. I'm fairly confident that it will be cured in their lifetime using stem cell research. If they can grow meat, they can grow a kidney. :-)

Yes, I'm sure they will be able to do it very soon!

And I'm very sorry to hear about your boys :/

Keep up the great work @logic

This meat very expensive for now

Well then we all have to promote this technology and push it through so it will get more funding and support to become abundant.
Demand makes things cheaper!

For example, solar panels were also expensive 20 years ago but due to popularity, technology has become very cheap now!

So, what exactly does this mean for vegetarians? I know some don't eat meat solely due to their its taste/texture, but for those who are bound by belief?

What kind of belief do you mean? I'm not sure if I understand.
Vegans/vegetarians tend not to eat meat due to some sort of moral belief that is bad to consume meat (belief is wanting something to be true which is not based in reality and facts) but due to factual knowledge basic in reality. Animal suffering and exploitation is a reality, same as meat industry being top contributor to climate change/environmental degradation.
This invention is more for people who want to stop contributing to animal suffering and environmental degradation from meat industry but are incapable of dropping out meat due to strong dietary habits.
This technology has no impact on vegans or vegetarians who do not like taste of meat, although certainly it may attract some vegans/vegetarians who still crave for taste of meat.

dude you make a hit! congrats keep that synthetic meat up hahaha

It wasn't really my intention to make a hit with this specific post. I just wanted to share this amazing information but I am certainly happy to see that it is becoming popular and that I have been rewarded for it.

I just want to say that I am very grateful for all the rewards for this specific post. I have not expected it as in this case my intention has been to share the news, which I find important.
I am very happy to see my first hit on Steemit. It appears that this crypto-based social platform is not just all hype.
The reward is massive!!!! Thank you for all voters and contributors!

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