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RE: Designing, building and installing an off-the-grid photovoltaic system - Let's talk about it

in #science6 years ago

Interesting. I installed 3kw on grid system few months ago, interestingly enough 4 inverters died (some crappy Aunisol models), the company I bought it from finally changed them for SolarMax3000. It created 800kw in 1month and 20 days up till today. My bill for electricity still hasn't been reduced. Here is my post from long ago about it.


On grid systems in Europe are regulated in the following way:
You produce energy when the conditions allow it and you feed the energy into the grid right-away. The energy company buys your energy at 1/3 or even 1/4 of the price you pay for the same energy from them. You don't use your energy, you are unable to.
This is because the EU is a shmuck and lets its people be bullied by the energy companies. You can never break even if you use on-grid systems. I guess in the US or other places, the rules are similar.
This is why I presented an off-grid system, it is the only one breaking even (currently in 7-10 years, dropping from 15 years a few years ago). Maybe in 5 or 10 more years the price of renewable systems like wind or solar will drop enough so that you can break even in under 3 years, which is what extended warranty can offer. This will make more people invest in it.