Time travel- possible?

in #science7 years ago

I have always been fascinated with the idea of traveling through time. Imagine how much different our lives would be now if we had a time machine. 😍 If time travel was possible, how would a time machine look like?

What is time travel?

We are all traveling in time whether we are aware of or not. Last year, 2016 has gone by so fast and now we are in 2017, it is a different year and most of us may be living different lives now. For some it might be the same but still we live in a different year now. There is a saying “Time waits for no man”. It is so true because time keeps moving at its own speed in a single direction which is towards the future. It is similar to the river that keeps flowing endlessly.


When we travel from one location to another, we can control our traveling time by either driving slowly or we speed up the traveling time by pressing the accelerator on our vehicle. By accelerating, we will be able to reach our destination faster. However, we cannot accelerate time to move faster towards future.


Let's say you are getting married next month and you are so excited waiting for next month. But you will not be able to speed up time so you can get married soon. You will need to wait for time to run its course.


In science fiction movies, we are introduced to the idea of traveling back and forth through time using a single speed. I am not sure how possible that will be in the future, but it would be cool that have a time machine that could manipulate the nature of time.


Albert Einstein introduced a theory called Relativity in 1905, where it says space and time are of the same thing, also known as space-time. According to him, anything traveling within the speed limit of 300,000 kilometres per second (or 186,000 miles per second) is able to delay time traveling because space-time and light always travels that speed limit through empty space.  


According to this theory, anything that travels within the speed of light is able to freeze or delay time. And time on earth is slower compared to time in space. So if we all got on a aircraft that can travel the speed of light, we will not on save time traveling and notice that 50 years have gone by but you only spent 5 years in space.

Time travel may be possible in the future? Let me know your thoughts in the comment below.

Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

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