This History Of Vaccines Series

in #science7 years ago (edited)


 Hospitalism was a common name used when referring to the infections, death, and psychological trauma experienced in hospitals and asylums in our modern day hospital systems infancy. Today the hygiene protocol as well as attention to psychological well being in modern hospitals and psychological institutions are linked back to the dirty, cruel, and overcrowded health institutions for the common people. Maybe that is why many people have a fear of hospitals and medical institutions, it is an epigenetic memory. A book in 1898 highlights the awful conditions that endangered the life of vulnerable people.

"The town free from infection; the hospital saturated by it, to such an extent as to induce its own surgeons to recommend their patients not to enter it, to compel them to refrain from operating, and, after every attempt that science and humanity could suggest—every hygienic means employed in vain in the fruitless attempt to eradicate the pestilence from the “very fabric” itself—to cause the governors, as a last resource, to decide on the demolition of the building and its complete reconstruction, at great expense, as the only remedy. "

John Eric Erichsen, “On Hospitalism and the Causes of Death After Operations,” Society of the New York Hospital, March 1898, p. 98

A 1977 analysis of the effect of medical intervention on the decline of deaths in the Unites States since 1900 how little medical measures had to do with the decline of disease. 

"In general, medical measures (both chemotherapeutic and prophylactic) appear to have contributed little to the overall decline in mortality in the United States since about 1900—having in many instances been introduced several decades after a marked decline had already set in and having no detectable influence in most instances. More specifically, with reference to those five conditions (influenza, pneumonia, diphtheria, whooping cough, and poliomyelitis) for which the decline in mortality appears substantial after the point of intervention—and on the unlikely assumption that all of this decline is attributable to the intervention." Link


"It is estimated that at most 3.5 percent of the total decline in mortality since 1900 could be ascribed to medical measures introduced for the diseases considered here. The improvement in hospital safety compared to the 1800s may seem revolutionary. The bad news is that in the year 2000 the Institute of Medicine released a report showing that hospitals and doctors are the third leading cause of death in the United States, only after cancer and heart disease."

 The Questionable Contribution of Medical Measures to the Decline of Mortality in the United States in the Twentieth Century,” The Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly, Health and Society

The combined effect of errors and adverse effects that occur because of iatrogenic damage not associated with recognizable error include:“12,000 deaths/year from unnecessary surgery

  • 7,000 deaths/year from medication errors in hospitals
  • 20,000 deaths/year from other errors in hospitals
  • 80,000 deaths/year from nosocomial infections in hospitals
  • 106,000 deaths/year from nonerror, adverse effects of medications
  • The above numbers are thought to be an underestimate of the actual damage. The modern outpatient setting was also noted to be dangerous in the IOM report. 

The analysis found that between 4% and 18% of patients experienced negative effects in outpatient settings. This including 116 million extra physician visits, 77 million prescriptions, 17 million emergency department visits, 8 million hospitalizations, 3 million long-term admissions, 199000 additional deaths, and $77 billion in extra costs. Is US Health Really the Best in the World?” Journal of the American Medical Association

The common belief held today is that vaccines and improved medical practices were responsible for the decline of infectious diseases. Rather than the improvement of allopathic medicine for the common people stastic show hygiene protocols, improved living conditions, waste disposal, safe work environments, nutrition, and natural remedies. Today the emphasis is on antibiotics, vaccinations and invasive, harsh, expensive medical protocols and procedures. I think it’s all about making profit from disease, which the focus is treating disease symptoms and ignoring improving overall health for the general public. Writing this paper I think of the trending page and how certain authors are gaming the system. I think lots of corporations and institutions are gaming our medical system. Why fix the problem when it is profitable for those who run the system?

The unintended consequences of treating symptoms of disease rather than promoting health has caused the human body to lose its protective microorganisms that has left us defenseless against invasive pathogens.

Our view of disease is radically changing with the discovery of epigentics and the human ecosystem that lives within each person and connects us to larger ecosystems around us. The historical focus on pathogens that cause disease is falling by the wayside and these new discoveries will impact the medical and pharmacutal industry. They are fighting tooth and nail to stop symbiotic health protocols that will impact their profits made from managing disease 

 Cultivating Our ‘Frenemies’: Viewing Immunity as Microbiome Management,” Journal of the American Society for Microbiology

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For The Greater Good

All Female Mutants Are Here!

Soil and Gut Health

Where Did The First Anti Vaxxers Come From?

History of Vaccine Series - Eight

History Of Vaccine Series-Seven

History Of Vaccine Series-Six

History Of Vaccine Series-Five

History Of Vaccine Series-Four

History Of Vaccine Series-Three

History Of Vaccine Series-Two

History Of Vaccine Series-One

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Fortunately chemical medicine is coming to an end.
Big pharma companies are pushing more and more chemicals that are in truth only marginally statistically better than placebos.

In the Star Trek movie, there was the line "The doctor gave me a pill and I grew a new kidney". Showing the investment our society has in chemical medicine. In the near future, we will actually heal the body organs with sound and light. (but not like anything taught in physics class today)

And the final point is our entire medical industry is about treating symptoms. It is about finding what is wrong. "As you seek, so shall you find." And so, the doctor will always find something if you let them look long enough. So, why do we not look for health? Why doesn't the medical industry study healthy people and find out what is actually health promoting.

I hope our chemical industry crashes before it destroys us and the planet @builderofcastles! Everyone I know that has taken pharmaceuticals for , circulatory system, digestive system, endocrine system, and mental issues are still sick and many on medication for life! No one has been given advice on how to improve their diet, lifestyle and exercise regimes. Most doctors don't have the time, they work factory farming humans. I know some doctors who do care but they are stuck in a dysfunctional system.

I wrote an article about healing with light but now I can't remember the term. Gads I am getting old! Health is not profitable....The war on drugs, the war on terrorism, the war on firearms, the war on disease only creates profits for those who supply the war with money and tools.

Its a very good research you do dear. The main objective of the government on hospital must be a proper check and balance. Nowadays in our country the hospitals are become business. Patients are treated just like a customer to a doctor. It should be avoided. First thing is to do care of humans and humanity.
Thanks for sharing this awesome research you do. Keep it on.

I agree @uzaikhan622, the main objective of government and our medical system is the well being of the people they serve. I don't mind corporations making profits, but when the system seems to be rigged to cultivate disease to maximize profits, that is criminal!

Yes I also agree with you @reddust, and now its a fact that if you can’t change the system so first you have to change your self. Let work together to save humans and humanity.
Here in steemit we work as a family. Following you, and if you dont mind please also visit my blogs

In my country when you enter hospitals You will know that you are Nothing in your country

This is happening here as well @hassanben. People that have no money to pay for their hospitalization are dumped on the sidewalk, sick, confused, many times mental ill and elderly. In the past doctors, religious institutions, community centers and hospitals had charity pools and give their free time to the poor. Now with our for profit system the poor are suffering as they had in the past before insurance and modern medical and pharmaceutical practices.

"In the past doctors, religious institutions, community centers and hospitals had charity pools and give their free time to the poor."

This is an extremely important point. Nowadays with the insurance companies practical total control over medical practioners, they are not able to donate their services, nor to accept lesser fees.

Prior to the mandate of Congress in 1974 that employers provide health insurance, there was a free market in the US, and the US had the best medical system in the world, bar none. Doctors could say 'Sure Clem, I'll take a couple chickens to set your broke leg.'

Ever since the quality of medical care has declined, and the costs have spiraled out of control, until the US now barely makes the top 50 countries in infant survival. Doctors no longer have any flexibility in choosing to accept less, or no, payment for their services, or even to choose their patients--nor patients their doctors.

Back then the rich from around the world would come to the USA for treatment that just couldn't be matched elsewhere. Nowadays Americans fly to India, or Mexico, to get better care at lower prices.

Insurance and pharmaceutical company profits, OTOH, have outpaced almost every other investment.

I look forward to the swift demise of both those industries when 3D desktop printing of organs, drugs, and medical devices, coupled with CRISPR, DNA, and epigenetic technology leaves them in the dust of history with the industrial age of child labor in factories and slave labor on plantations--grim cautionary tales of barbarism.

After all, the poor are the most affected

It’s a very important issue in our life....when we become sick then we go to the hospital for proper treatment.... but now hospitals is a used for business purposes... it’s so sorrow for us... govt hospital's condition is too poor... there is no system.... I am very disappointed to this ..... thanks for sharing this informative post.

@prova, I agree, hospitals are not here to improve our health, maybe in the past that was true and also there are some hospitals and doctors who take their oath to do no harm, but our insurance industry and pharmaceutical industry only cares about one thing, the bottom line!

Humans are your own doctors.I advise people to become conscious sick. and a form of aimed at their guessing what they are instead of going to the hospital in cases of pain in their bodies. Let's not forget that medicines are derived from plants. The best hospital Health from plants.

We have given our health to authorities that may not have our best interests in mind. The best hospital is a healthy life and living conditions. I agree with you @turkishcrew.

This series about vaccine has been really expository.
Could remember when you first started it, I thought that will be the end not until you kept dishing out more interesting and fascinating facts surrounding the use of vaccines.
Like I have always emphasized, vaccines have their positive and negative sides, it is a like a double edged sword with the sharp(dangerous) and blunt side (healing).
Vaccine use to me is really a wonderful thing that has happened in human era who would believe that an attenuated toxins from an infectious agent could cure a disease caused by that same pathogenic organism.
Thanks to science.
Effective and proper use of vaccines is my admonition.
Thanks for always filling up the lacuna I have in the area of science at times

Oh my goodness @cyprianj, there is an endless supply of history and bad practice for profit. I have concerns about vaccines doing any good. I think proper nutrition, exercise, clean water, proper waste systems, clean living conditions and safe working conditions have led to the disappearance of infectious diseases in the West.

However, we have a growing population of homeless people here in the United States and we are seeing a rise in infectious disease like in the past before the West cleaned up its act.

Profits, power, and population control.

I would agree @weirdheadaches. I know you are speaking from experience <3 I hope you are feeling well today.

Oh no, Reds! It's such a waste to flag at 100%.
Let me just console you to get to normal mood and I can flag them myself.
So You can upvote me instead in 100%, it's a win-win :DD

I love you😍🤣🤣🤣

I am new, first publication that I see and the truth that is fascinating .. here in Venezuela it is necessary to promote this type of information especially for health personnel. It is amazing how we overlook something as important as health promotion and we forget that with it we can save thousands of people, we forget that preventive medicine is the best of all.

I am scared of hospitals. I can do check-ups with the doctors but I don't think I would want to go to hospitals. If I could, I always try to heal myself in a natural way. In Philippines now, there are many young people who have died because of the dengue vaccinne and it is just super scary. It makes you doubt the health officials.

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