The Sun: A giant electromagnetic transmitter and charged particle(Radiant Matter) generator
"Antennas are the single most sensitive satellite element to interference, because they operate by deliberately turning electromagnetic fields into electric currents"
"But shine a blue or violet light on the plate, and the plate actually acquires an electrical charge. (Hence the term photoelectric.)"
"The sun, as well as other sources of radiant energy throw off minute particles of matter positively electrified, which, impinging upon the upper plate, communicate continuously an electrical charge"
"The solar wind is a plasma, a stream of charged particles (ions and electrons) which are continuously escaping from the Sun into the interplanetary medium."
"Our Sun is a source of energy across the full spectrum, and its electromagnetic radiation bombards our atmosphere constantly."
"In December, one was the source of hysteria surrounding the appearance of a cloaked alien spaceship near Mercury. In March, it was a Death Star refueling on the sun."