Can Science Explain ‘Ghosts’?

in #science7 years ago


Matters beyond the physical realm have always been so alluring to mankind, which is evident in the popularity of our literature and media that cater to the idea of the metaphysical.

Things like psychic abilities, magic, ghosts, spirits and mysticism, though lacking any scientific base, attract the curiosity of many. Maybe it’s because of humanity’s ever persistent need to be something more, hence looking for venues to achieve that or at least confirm such a possibility.

Although we are absolutely sure about the impossibility of most of the things I mentioned above, ghosts and spirits remain the topics of hot debate among people.

A poll in 2013 concluded that 43 percent of Americans believe in ghosts. That number rises to 52% when we take the world into consideration. With so many reports of hauntings and sightings of the supernatural, and there still being no hard evidence, can science explain what people experience?

Can Science Explain Ghosts?


We’ve all read accounts of these allegedly haunted places in the world which have come to be accepted as the real deal. Countless supernatural phenomena experienced by totally unrelated people throughout the world suggest that maybe it’s all real after all.

But we should look at everything objectively and apply logic and reasoning to at least reduce the number of paranormal activities that can be explained away by laws of physics, or even just common sense.

So, let’s see. I’m sure that a lot of the paranormal experiences reported by some people are plain lies concocted to serve some agenda or to even just to make a camp night more interesting.

Then there are the more serious ones where people swear about having witnessed apparitions, moving shadows, doors getting closed by themselves, strange noises, or even just an eerie feeling of some ‘presence’. So, can there be an explanation for these that don’t require the presence of ghosts?


The first explanation that is usually given is that of the presence of electromagnetic fields. There have been many researches that study the impacts of electromagnetic fields on people’s perceptions and they state that such magnetic fields can make people feel uneasy and make them feel as if there is a presence of some kind. This has to do with how the fields affect our brains.

If you have seen paranormal investigators on the Discovery Channel, you will know that they often use devices that detect such electromagnetic fields (EMPs) and they are almost always present where paranormal activities are reported. So, maybe it’s not ghosts but some sort of magnetic fields.

Another explanation could be that of infrasound. These are the sound waves that we humans cannot hear but they can still cause some physiological discomfort to us. There are many sources of infrasound like severe weather, earthquakes, wind turbines, diesel engines, traffic, etc which are common all around us.

When subject to such infrasound, it is common to feel panicky, disoriented and even hallucinations. Certain frequencies in the infrasound range can also cause sensations like getting chills down the spine which is always subjected to witnessing paranormal events.

Scientists have also suggested many other explanations that include carbon monoxide poisoning, toxic mould, hysteria, psychological effects, or even just because we want to believe in such a thing.

What If They Do Exist?


Let’s steer away from science for a moment and consider the possibility of the existence of ghosts and spirits. Many religious texts point towards their existence and it might be that we just don’t have the technology to detect them yet.

So, what if they actually exist? I think if somehow their existence is proven someday, it could have one of two impacts. Either we become less fearful of them because we fear what we don’t understand and we don’t that we do, or we could become more paranoid because then we would always suspect their presence everywhere knowing that they do exist.

I sometimes think that if they exist, maybe it’s in some dimension of reality that we cannot perceive. Many theories in physics allow for the existence of multiple dimensions. So, what if there is a dimension where ghosts and spirits and other non-physical entities exist? Is that even possible?

For now, we will just have to make do with not knowing for sure. Maybe time will tell.


@sauravrungta good post. For me I will say science does not go with anything spiritual because is not there line.

For you to see a scientist that believe in spirituality then the person is either a religious individual. As for me spirit and magic exist based on believe. What you don't believe don't work for you, it is the believe couple with action that produce the result. Just my thinking anyway.

Awesome post buddy

Science right now, in my opinion, has been the study of the physical world. There have been a lot of references to a dimension of the non-physical in the world in religion and spirituality, that might be totally unexplored. Maybe one day we will know for sure.

@sauravrungta - An interesting debate! It is true that electromagnetic fields and infrasound could be responsible for a lot of abnormal experiences, which are termed paranormal by people in general because there is no parallel normal experience for them to compare to. Electromagnetic fields are known to cause even disappearances of objects - the Philadelphia experiment by US Navy is the greatest example. So, Yes - perhaps science can explain the paranormal. We do not know all the aspect of the physics concerned yet probably.

Thanks for this thought provoking blog my friend. Have a great weekend. Cheers. Upvoted full.

I cant wait to join you group, followed you

Yeah, those are two of the biggest explanations of the different paranormal activities that people have reported.

Sure it can.

Our brain is a a hyper-active prediction machine. We are wired to see faces in things (Pareidolia). We try to rationalize, explain, and bucket stimuli together.

Hence, people retreat to these fantasies to help them explain those sensations.

And until there is actually hard evidence, the default stance would be one of non-belief.

Yeah, thanks to our pattern recognition abilities, we tend to look for patterns in everything and as you say, we are wired to see faces and this might explain a lot of apparitions that people have experienced.

Have a nice day
You wrote so beautifully, that started to follow you.
Thank you. For your great writing and for sharing

Thank you so much :)

How can I ever forget the day my uncle died. In short I would say that when the doctors were making their final attempt by giving him the injection stabs, I was sitting just outside the room on a bench and right in front of me was another bench at the other side of the corridor and underneath it lay a pup. I suddenly saw that pup crawl backward in fear and made weird sounds as if it was too afraid by seeing something up above floating. I could not see anything but the scene was a bit strange to me. As soon as it went some distance away (20 meters) the pup was joined with other pup and their mother (as it seemed), they all began to howl and bark. They appeared in fear too. All this is unexplained and it happened right in front of me in front of my eyes wide open.

There are indeed some things that are unexplained. That much is sure.

Balanced post
Since the possibility of ghost being real or unreal had not been established

You are welcome

Of course they exist!!! Boo! 😁

haha a teddy bear commenting boo on my post? Nothing more scary than that :P :P

Reminds me of reading dan browns book and the also searching for the fact which was true - that a body lost few grams after death (body was kept in a vacum) which was thought to account for the weight of the soul.

Yeah, I have read about it too and found it really interesting. Maybe it could have been the different gas that escape the body after it dies?

yes. but the environment is airtight and anything that is released by the body- organic.stays in the container- let it be solid liquid or gas. what do you think?

Science is do morally and intellectually bankrupt it hardly explains anything , instead science tries to bully you with conclusions and concensus , it;s mostly bollocks ,science ...rubbish to fool the zombie masses

Science is a method to discover facts through systematic observation, measurement, and experiment, and the formulation, testing, and modification of hypotheses.

Conclusions are built from data and evidence which you are welcome to explore. Consensus is built up from that evidence as well.

There is no bullying going on. The truth is the truth and science is an amazing tool to uncover it.

Science is not bankrupt. It's the language of reality. It merely explains the truth.

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