Could a giant solar flare take out all cryptocurrency?

in #science8 years ago (edited)

What is a solar flare you might ask?

A solar flare is when the sun releases radioactive energy like you see above.

It is basically the same as an EMP, and some say that if one large enough is released in the direction of the Earth that it could wipe out the entire electrical grid leaving us in a world that looks more like the 1700's.

Now what I am concerned about is what if something like this were to happen worldwide..

Could a giant solar flare take out all Cryptocurrency?

If all electrical systems were wiped out at once by a giant solar flare would cryptocurrency still exist?

I would hope that heavily invested miners have already taken appropriate precautions to protect themselves against risks like this..

When I see movies like "Red Dawn" and "Ameriggedon"where they were threatened and even attacked with an EMP it got me to thinking of how I could protect my family, and my emergency supplies?

(Like cell phones, radio, walkie talkies, solar chargers, battery packs, and other electrical equipment)

And then I came across tutorials for "EMP Proof" safes and storages..

Sold online here:

And even EMP proof bags!
Sold online here:

So as we can see there is obviously ways to protect our electrical equipment, and from my research I have seen that "galvanized steel" helps protect against this as well, and also having cardboard lining the inside.

We just need to focus on upgrading the global grid for the future digital community, and make sure we are always prepared for all possibilities!


Such a solar flair would take out the entire banking system and stock market as well. My guess is that the cryptocurrency would recover faster than the banking system.

Good points @dantheman but really wanted to bring awareness to the possibility, because in the future crypto will most likely be global..

So I wanted to make a post about it so the community could think and see ways to protect ourselves since the future will only get more intertwined in the digital world.

**Very interesting **.. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think we would be able save our devices by taking that extra precaution of buying a special bag or case to protect it from electromagnetism.. But the thing is if an emp were to take place, our devices i.e. cell phone, laptop would be rendered useless due to radio and cell towers going offline..

So we would need to take this into consideration, and maybe even upgrade the entire electrical grid..

Exactly, I agree.. It kinda makes me wonder about the things I will see in my humble life time.. Thank you for posting

How about using a galvanized steel trash can with a lid. Same effect as the safe you listed for about 1/10th the cost. As for solar flares damaging your cell phone:

Despite rumors to the contrary, a Faraday cage is not necessary to protect against solar coronal mass ejections because the frequency content of such disturbances is at much lower frequencies—they don’t couple energy efficiently into small-scale electronics, except through conducted paths (e.g., wires coming into the system). A better precaution against solar events is to unplug electronics and use quality surge suppressors.


Awesome thank you!
I saw a guy do something like this with cardboard on the inside of the can and lid, but I wonder if this helps any..

We should get one of those hardware wallets and keep it in our brand new faraday bag!! Seriously though it's an interesting thought.

To protect electronic equipment you only need a Faraday cage; that is a simple container or storage where all wall are electrical conductors, preferably with a grounded connection.

i doubt it- you have systems buried deep in the earth, you've got systems on the other side of the planet shielded by --- all of the earths density. solar flares would only affect half a planet - so machines would still have the block chains to reconstruct if necessary.

This is a good point. If a solar flare hit the earth it would only be hitting one side of the earth, right? So half of telecommunication would be taken out as well as ~half the nodes. This is the great thing about decentralization. It will still continue to work.

No way I want bots making any repairs; did you not see Skynet (Terminator)

Truly what are you thinking; if some politician or other idiot was to see your crazy post and think your plans useful you could kill us all ! ! !

: )

Need bigger box to store server

This is a real (though remote) threat. Good to have physical gold, silver and bank notes just in case. In a world without bank accounts or credit cards, these things would be incredibly valuable.

<>.<> if the model of the heliocentric system was real I would be worried. there is no real proof outside of the establishments pictures and videos which can easily be mass produced by any 3d model nerd.
people cant take a telescope to the sun and see what it looks like so we just assume we are given facts based on our faith for the governing powers.

It is actually more likely that Russia will nuke the USA or China will hack the power grid of the United states
but even then these steamed dollars would remain in circulation over machines elsewhere

So earth is the center of the universe?

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