5 Bizarre Space Discoveries Part 1

in #science7 years ago

We are constantly discovering new weird objects in space. These are some of the weirdest discoveries made in 2016.
Number 5.

2016 was filled with new space discoveries. One of them, being that the hubble telescope measured a record a new record of cosmic distance. The new cosmic distance record was set by the farthest ever observed galaxy named GN-z11
The galaxy was created about 400 million years after the big bang. So the light that the scientists are now seeing is from over 13 billion years ago. This means that the galaxy is complitely different from what we are seeing, we are looking into the past of our universe.image2i1607bw.jpg
Number 4.

A real-life death star
A star named WD 1145+017 which can be found in the virgo constellation, approximately 570 light years away from earth.
WD 1145+017 is a white dwarf star, which has been observed destroying, an orbiting planet. This new finding is set to possibly be able to help us understand the future of our own sun and our own solar system.1445497317_1.jpeg
Number 3.

A supernova

In march of 2016, thanks to the Kepler space telescope, scientists were able to view the emitting shock wave of a supernova explosion for the first time ever. The star that ended it-self in a feiry blaze of glory was named KSN 2011d. It was approximately 1.2 billion light years away from Earth. The star was 500 times larger than our Sun. Supernovas occurat the end of a single star's lifetime. As the star runs out of fuel, some of its mass flows into its core. The core becomes so heavy that it cannot withstand its own gravitational force. It collapses, which results in the giant explosion.0_1e1d21_123c90e8_XXL.jpgThe capturing of this occurrence is quite rare, cconsidering that supernovas go off unpredictably.

Number 2.

A tripple star system.

A planet called HD 131399 Ab is located in the constalation centaurus, approximately 340 light years away from Earth.
The planet orbits 3 stars simultaneously. Star a is about 80% larger and almost 8 times brighter than the Sun.
A full orbit of the planet is 1,100 earth years. This find shows that planets can exist in different layouts than it is believed.

Number 1

Twin stars

Discovered in the late 2014, astronomers initially believed it was one giant mass. But after observations it was concluded that it was two separate stars orbiting close to each other, at the speed of 621,000 miles per hour. The twin star system is called My camelopardalis. The stars are only two million years old. Each star is 30 times bigger than our Sun. This is one of the largest binary star systems that we know of. They will eventually collide.

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m-16. I have a real connection to that one..

what do u mean by m 16?

that is the name of the nebula you have pictured at the beginning of your post. m-16 or the eagle nebula.

Also know as the pillars of creation, didn't know its real name :)

well I have never heard it called pillars of creation..but seeing that they are where stars come from..it makes sense.. :)

If you google pillars of creation this image will pop up. Btw thanks for checking my post.

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