TONSILS: Diseases That Make Us Difficult To Eat

in #science6 years ago (edited)
Hello all user steemians .....?

Have you ever coughed and then a loud yellowish splinters came out, coloured like a sputum but hard? When the flakes are pressed the smell will smell like bad breath but very strong. What is it? Most likely the flakes are tonsils (tonsillith / tonsil stone).

Streptokoková faryngitida neboli streptokokový zánět nosohltanu je onemocnění, které způsobuje bakterie zvaná „streptokok skupiny A”. Streptokokový zánět nosohltanu postihuje nosohltan a krční mandle. Krční mandle jsou dvě žlázy nacházející se v krku na zadní straně dutiny ústní. Zánět nosohltanu může postihnout i hrtan (larynx). K běžným příznakům patří horečka, bolesti v krku a zduřelé žlázy (zvané mízní uzliny) na krku. Streptokokový zánět nosohltanu je příčinou 37 % onemocnění doprovázených bolestí v krku u dětí. Choroba se šíří prostřednictvím blízkého kontaktu s nemocnou osobou. Pokud si chce lékař být jist, že nemocný skutečně trpí streptokokovým zánětem nosohltanu, je zapotřebí provést takzvaný stěr z krku. I bez tohoto testu však lze zjistit, zda je pravděpodobné, že nemocný streptokokovým zánětem nosohltanu opravdu onemocněl - a to na základě typických příznaků. Nemocnému mohou pomoci antibiotikum, léky zabíjející bakterie. Většinou se spíše než ke zkrácení doby nemoci používají k prevenci takových komplikací, jako je například revmatická. Wikipedia source

in English:
(Streptococcal pharyngitis, or streptococcal inflammation of the nasopharynx, is a disease that causes bacteria called "Group A Streptococcus". Streptococcal inflammation of the nasopharynx affects the nasopharynx and cervical almonds. Tumour almonds are two glands located in the neck at the back of the oral cavity. Inflammation of the nasopharynx may also affect the larynx. Common symptoms include fever, sore throat and swollen glands (called lymph nodes) on the neck. Streptococcal inflammation of the nasopharynx is the cause of 37% of the disease associated with childhood neck pain. The disease spreads through close contact with the sick person. If a doctor wants to be sure that the patient is actually suffering from streptococcal inflammation of the nasopharynx, it is necessary to make a so-called scratch from the neck. Even without this test, however, it is possible to ascertain whether it is likely that he or she suffered from streptococcal inflammation of the nasopharynx - and this is due to typical symptoms. An antibiotic, a drug that kills bacteria, can help the patient. Mostly, rather than shortening disease time, they are used to prevent complications such as rheumatic).

Tonsils or tonsils are part of the body's lymph system, which is located on the right and left of the base of the tongue, shaped chewy with many indentations.

Well, in this curve, dead cells, food scraps, saliva, and other foreign objects can be trapped and then become a source of food and place of nesting bacteria and fungi causing odour.

Eventually, the objects trapped in the tonsils of this nipple can harden, then form the stones of tonsils. The Naming of tonsils is actually less precise, because unlike hard kidney stones, tonsil stones are relatively soft.

Stone Disease Of The Tonsils In The Mouths Of Humans

Many people are experiencing this problem of tonsils. generally harmless. However, there is also a case of tonsil stones causing difficulty breathing, pain when swallowing, earache and of course cause bad breath.

Very fortunate, these tonsil stones are usually easily removed, such as gargling with salt water or take it directly by pressing the niche where the tonsils nest, using a cotton bud until the tonsils are released. but for better comfort come to the experts or doctors.

How To Prevent Tonsils

In order not to have tonsils, try to have a habit of maintaining a healthy mouth: regular toothbrushes, after meals and before going to sleep, not when taking a bath.

Replace toothbrush strived every three months. We also need to drink lots of water to keep the mouth moist and remove foreign objects in the mouth.

In addition, brush the tongue to remove the layer of dead cells on the tongue that can stick to the tonsils which can then form the tonsils.

If these tonsil stones are too often formed and are very disturbing, it is advisable to consult a doctor to consider surgical removal of tonsils/ tonsils.


Wikipedia source

Thank you for visiting, reading and upvote my post - Best regards by @sward


I have experienced this and it was really painful.

yes .. when we experience tonsillitis it is more severe difficult, compared deep heat disease, if there is irritation then it is difficult to eat, just imagine it with tonsils, wooowww very sick ...

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