Observing entropy - #22 Waking Life "Slavery"

in #science7 years ago (edited)

Source An example of Entropy: (Light Waves through a Prism)

"You can't fight city hall."

"Death and taxes." "Don't talk about
politics or religion."

This is all the equivalent
of enemy propaganda.

Lay down, G.I! Lay down, G.I!

We saw it in the 20th century. Now, in
the 21st century, we must realize...

...that we cannot be crammed
into this rat maze.

We should not submit
to dehumanization!

I'm concerned with what's
happening in this world.

I'm concerned with structure,
the systems of control.

Those who control my life and those
who seek to control it more!

I want freedom!
And that's what you should want!

It's up to each of us to turn loose
the greed, hatred, envy...

...and insecurities, their mode of
control. We feel pathetic, small...

...so we'll willingly give up our
sovereignty, liberty and destiny.

We must realize we're being
conditioned on a mass scale.

Challenge the corporate slave state!

The 21st century is a new century.
Not the century of slavery... (or might be the most massive century of slavery with the help of technology).

...lies and issues
of no significance...

...and classism, statism
and other modes of control.

It'll be an age of humankind standing
up for something pure and right. (or fall under the assumption that those choices were right but in fact were wrong).

What a bunch of garbage. Liberal
Democrat, conservative Republican.

Two sides of the same coin!

Two management teams...

...bidding for the CEO job
of Slavery, Inc!

The truth is out there,
but they lay out a buffet of lies!

I'm sick of it! And I'm not
gonna take a bite out of it!

Resistance is not futile!
We will win this!

Humankind is too good!
We're not underachievers!

We'll stand up and be human beings!
We'll get fired up about real things!

Creativity and the dynamic human
spirit that refuses to submit!

Well, that's all I got to say.
It's in your court.

The quest is to be
liberated from the negative...

...which is really our
own will to nothingness.

Once having said yes to the instant,
the affirmation is contagious.

It bursts into a chain of affirmations
that knows no limit.

To say yes to one instant...

...is to say yes to all of existence.

The main character is
what I call "the mind."

Its mastery, its capacity
to represent.

In history, attempts have been made...

...to contain experiences which
happen at the edge of the limit...

...where the mind is vulnerable.

But I think we are in a very
significant moment in history.

Those moments, those what we
might call liminal, limit, frontier...

...X- zone experiences are
now becoming the norm.

These multiplicities and distinctions
send differences, giving...

...great difficulty to the old mind.

And through entering into their
very essence...

...tasting and feeling their

...one makes a breakthrough
to that common...

...something that holds
them together.

And so the main character
is to this new mind...

...greater, greater mind.

A mind that yet is to be.

And when we enter into that mode...

...you can see a radical subjectivity.

Radical attunement to individuality,
uniqueness, to the mind.

It opens itself to a vast objectivity.

So the story is of the cosmos now.

The moment is not just
a passing empty, nothing, yet...

...this is the way in which
these secret passages happen.

Yes, it's empty with such fullness...

...that the great moment,
the great life...

...of the universe is pulsating in it.

And each one, each object,
each place...

...each act, leaves mark.

And that story is singular.
But, in fact, it's story after story.

It dissolves into
quick-moving particles that swirl.


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