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RE: Alice in Wonderland Syndrome — Curiouser and Curiouser!

in #science7 years ago (edited)

I was about to upvote this but I see you have also published at medium, which ranks first on google, making this essentially a duplicate article (even if its yours) from a search engine's perspective. I (and I think many people) appreciate and upvote when somebody posts here first. If you want to post in other places it's your right to do so, but I don't think you can expect good rewards for just copy-pasting something that you posted first somewhere else. Something to have in mind ;)


This post was posted simultaneously on both platforms (actually the Steemit post was posted a few minutes earlier, so that I could link to it at the bottom of the Medium article) It's not like I was trying to hide this, I even mentioned it at the end of my post above?

I understand wanting to avoid plagiarism, but I think it should be acceptable for an author to want to share their work as widely as possible?

As I said, it's your right to do so.

The thing is that according to google the one that appears to be original is the one posted to medium. To google's eyes the post on steemit is copy pasted and the one on medium is the original. Google doesn't like this (steemit get's a minus point in layman terms).

Put things down, see which platform makes you the most money (or offers you more exposure or whatever else you seek) and then choose that platform to post there first. Wait a few hours and once the steemit article is indexed on google then post on the other platform too (or vice versa).

I know that my comment might have sounded a bit assholish. Believe me, I am on your side ;)

Oh okay, I didn't realise that. If a few hours delay is all it takes to make a difference, then I'll be more than happy to do so if that will help Steemit grow. I can just cross post to Medium the following day.

I'm just starting out, so I'm trying to spread my work as far as possible to grow my audience that's all. Thanks for letting me know.

thanks for your understanding! I will give your post some love and share it around ^__^

I think in this case I will have to disagree as the author actually included a link back to Steemit in the post on Medium. Cross posting is fine, particularly if the content is being posted at the same time and the links go both ways. Typically when you see people complaining about cross posting being bad for Steemit, it is in the case when a link to Steemit was NOT provided in the content posted elsewhere. Search engines like to see links back, it strengthens Steemit's relative position. In this case it is a wash as the links go both ways and content was posted at same time. In fact, I would like to see people ENCOURAGED to post content at the same time here on Steemit as they post elsewhere, and ENCOURAGED to leave a link back to Steemit at the other site. This is what we want to see, in my opinion. It is when people only post content on Steemit after it has grown stale elsewhere, and they don't have a link back to Steemit in the content elsewhere, that it is bad for Steemit. The fact that Google is ranking the result on Medium higher is just a function of the relative popularity/traffic of the websites. If more people posted content here at the same time, and linked back here, it will boost Steemit in the search rankings.

The fact is that because he crosslinked each site to the other steemit will most probably never be recognized as the original for this particular article. This particular page is recognized as duplicated content, and google's algorithm doesn't care if it's from the same author. It's bad from a seo perspective regardless of how you see it.

We can either toss a coin and pray google indexes an article on steemit first, or just ask people to post here first with 3-4 hours difference. I don't see any benefit for the author by posting simultaneously on multiple platforms. His reach will be pretty much the same. But there is benefit for steemit, because these 3-4 hours will rank it first as original, as the "relative popularity/traffic " won't matter at all. The thing is medium is probably crawled more often (due to relative popularity/traffic as you mentioned). And I think it's fair for people to post their stuff on steemit first. I doubt this post would get in any other platform (medium, hubpages, or even a self published site with adsense or other monetization) 50 $ :)

yeah ultimately you are right that there is little to no drawback to posting here first and waiting even a day to post elsewhere. I am not convinced that this makes much difference to the Google rank one way or the other - far more important is if there is a link back on the external site, and you see people all the time posting content here and elsewhere without a link back to steemit on the other sites - that is obviously much worse. But yeah, no reason not to post here first.

yeah, my bad to forgot to mention. Original content is good, getting backlinks from other good platforms is equally good too.

So much for me to learn, SEO is a whole new world for me! Sounds like the best option is for me to delay my Medium cross post by one day and to link back to Steemit in that post to try and bring traffic back here.

And very true, this is the first time I've been paid $50 for writing anything online! I'll try and keep it up! :D

well you don't really have to learn and it won't help much if you don't run your own site :)

Just post good content like you do and I am sure money will continue to come ;)

Definitely don't plan on running my own site now Steemit exists! Thanks @trumpman :)

Thanks for clarifying @carlgnash. I think we're all on the same page here - i.e. all trying to do what's best for Steemit! If you're sure that cross-posting and linking back to Steemit is the best way forward, I'll carry on as I am. I also cross post to Twitter, but only link to the original Steemit article, so hopefully that is helping too.

from a seo perspective, if you are posting simultaneously it would be better to leave a link from medium to steemit but not the other way around. This way the google bot will know you recognize steemit as the "original" place you posted it. If you time your posts with a few hours in between, it doesn't really matter whether you cross link, provide only one link or whatever :)

Interestingly, it seems like (in my experience) Google doesn't index Steemit results very well and when it does it takes longer to show up in the results than for other sites. Most likely a result of the accumulation of so much plagiarized crap and content posted here and elsewhere with no link backs - but as a Curie curator myself, I am constantly Googling random paragraphs from articles to make sure that they are not plagiarized, and it is very rare for Google to pop up with the Steemit post in the results even if the post is nearly 1 day old. I would say, without having tracked the stats, that I see the Steemit post in the Google search results less than a quarter of the time even when a post is 12-23 hours old. That is why I say I am not sure that posting here and delaying for a few hours before posting elsewhere will make any difference. Possibly waiting a full day might. But for whatever reason, Google doesn't index Steemit results very well or very fast.

well i do curating for steemstem so I am doing the same thing you do. For me, google appears to be a fast indexer (at least for #science) and it does return to me steemit posts as the first result, at least when I am puting the text inside "" , even for posts that are a few minutes old :P

Maybe we should take this elsewhere if you want (e.g. because we really made a mess of this post's comments XD

yes good suggestion LOL Sorry OP!

@carlgnash over there on

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