Secret writer : poetry without a title - Don't ask a poet what he means, tell him!

Seeing an interesting travel posts about Israel today by @richman, I decided to publish another poem.

It is, like the previous, roughly over 12 years old.


40 years in the desert,

Brought them to the Promised Land.

The land of milk and honey

The country for the chosen race.

Now 5 thousand years later

It becomes a state,

A little tiny piece of earth

Given to them by God (or NATO).

Crooked politicians, economical chaos,

Conscription and racism

Without honey or milk.

5000 years of ongoing conflict

People take the bus down town

And never come back.

Nowhere is safe,

God had been abandoned.

6 million people

All off different race,

No one knows what he wants.

~Probably the milk and the honey~


1 Peter 2:9
But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.

Seems like a good place to be. I'm not a poet, just saying.

Everybody has a bit of a poet inside

Where is the photo from, I'm fixated on it?! I'm loving the poetry by the way.

He divorced them and then remarried them... They are the chosen... Great post!

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