On Guards
During my youth there were a couple times when I nearly died, these were when I was swimming or another time when I was crossing a road and during both occurrences the appointed guards had done absolutely nothing to save me. This is serious because I almost drowned and got overrun by a vehicle of course, although also due the fact I didn't expect or rather I placed undue trust in their apparent responsibility and role or service. Naturally speaking are lifeguards and crossing guards not being paid in large sums to ensure public safety?
This is what I had asked myself in repetition because the reality was devastatingly the opposite, and the way I see it now as an adult is we are always under some form of supervision but that it is an excuse for power. For instance when the police visualize from a camera or when they penetrate my computer, they are feeding on knowledge they have not earned under the presumption and excuse of providing safety. Stated simply, the guards do not care about you as they have undertaken their jobs for monetary benefit. It is for this reason I believe someone should always retain the assumption that guards preside only in an illusive manner over your care, in whichever situations you may find yourself in. Then in summary let me reiterate, I suggest to stay 'On Guard' and in this way we can continue to stay alive, be safe, you know all that is entrusted under the terms of most legal employments during this present day.