How To Motivate Yourself

Sometimes It can be hard to get out of bed in the morning. We are tired, We slept poorly. We are unmotivated. We just want to sit in front of the Tv all day, eating Dominos. We all have things that have to get done, And most of us can't spend a day doing that. Here are some tips to help you get off your ass and get going!

Tap into the energy Of Your Peers.

Absorb their positive energy to get yourself going!
Using that freely floating energy will help you effectively get your foot in the door and ready to go.

Organize your thoughts.

A list of things you have to do today is overwhelming. If you write down everything you need to get done today on paper, This will help you get it done. Usually, your list of stuff is much smaller than you would expect. It's not as difficult. You can accomplish everything you need to get done. The list will prevent you from forgetting.

Have More than one plan

Having just one plan can screw you over, Have multiple plans, This will allow you to be as flexible as possible. And if one plan fails your still good. Plus you don't have to worry about the stress of you first failed plan, Just switch to the other.

Focus on the things that motivate you

We all have different things that motivate us. Focus on those! That will help you grow.
I love the ocean, and hiking and nature! I always focus on those. Those encourage me to work harder Because I know that my success will bring me closer to nature.
What is the thing that floats your boat? Think about it whenever you don't feel like doing anything else.

Remember things will always be out of your control!

You will never have full control over your life. You will always struggle to have control.
If you fight it, you will cause more damage to yourself. And Rarely you will win and get what you want. Sometimes it's better to go with the flow and make your decisions along the way. People who are control freaks may struggle with this one, But it's something you can work hard to change! You need to change it. You'll never be happy if you have the mindset that you have complete control over everything. Because no one does.

Staying motivated is often looking at things from a new perspective. It's about maintaining focus on the things that are important. and using what you have around you to adequately motivate yourself

thank you Pexels for the photos


Beautiful pictures. Yes, it is amazing though we try as we may we have little control over what happens to us.

Thank you ! It's true.

"Tap into the energy of your peers" -Great advice. Low energy peers? Find new friends!!

Sometimes healthy competition with others is motivating too.

So true! I like to have competition as well.

Don't forget to play and just relax and have fun sometimes. When I really do that, like a good vacation, it motivates me to back to my work! but I know it's hard to break away sometimes. Good Post!

As the time I met your article. Good post, especially reminder about control. We must all let go and calm down! Thank you!

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