All hell breaks loose - psycho on the rampage!

in #self8 years ago (edited)

When I got up today, there was a text message from a complete stranger on my mobile. 

She had sent it to me at 02:09 am this morning and it read as follows:

Re: Come along and meet new friends at The Supper Club - for the Over 40's!

Yes Tamara I would like to join the club that broke up a 15 year marriage while I was away for 2 weeks dealing with my breast cancer & my father having days to live from terminal cancer - my 12 year old daughter is heartbroken & i haven't yet had the heart to tell 'my' eldest not even ... - or the other '3' children of his previous 2 me he doesn't talk about!

I don't know what lies ... has spun people this time as he always but anything u want 2 know just ask & I will be happy 2 meet and tell all.

W T F!!!

You see - this is what happens when I decide to get back out in the world, and open myself up to people - and all the craziness that I had tried not to be a part of for so many years - comes flooding back in at me all at once.

But, does this make me feel like crawling back into my hidey hole again? Not on your goddam life it doesn't!!

It is moments like this that have made me question the purpose of my life so many times over the years, and the meaning of life etc etc. It is one of the main reasons why I decided to drop out of it all after I got divorced, and shut myself out of the lives of every one I knew. 

To tell you the honest to god truth - I don't like drama at all - I actually despise it in fact and would literally go way out of my way to avoid conflicts at any given opportunity. However, rub me the wrong way or come at me full throttle with all of your claws out and believe me -  you will get the shock of your life and get way more than you ever bargained for! 

I was one of those kids in school that used to get beat up and bullied a lot. Back then my mother used to tell me not to hit anyone back and not to lower myself to their standards or I would be just as horrible as they were. And So, like a good girl in those days - I listened to her 100% But my mother's advice was very wrong! You don't ever let the bullies walk all over you once or they will do it time and time and time again until you end up getting really beat up or worse. As a teenager in high school, I followed her advice for many years and let them hit me, spit on me, call me names and even more - it was worse than I could ever say. They did this right up until the day that I finally broke when I stood up for myself and finally hit someone back. And ever since then I have been a force to reckon with because the damage had already been done!

As I am approaching my fiftieth year of age, I find myself once again wanting to lead a quieter simpler life things have mellowed out a bit. Free from the hassle and drama of conflict, I have lived in relative peace and it has been fairly uneventful up until three years ago (but that's another story).

Of course, I immediately knew who this woman on the other end of the text was talking about ... 

1. Obviously she mentioned his name because no-one calls themselves ... these days :0 

2. Yeh I had already clocked the fact that this man was a total charmer and had almost fallen for him myself when he introduced himself to the Group on the first day.

3. Even though the Supper Club Group was only formed three weeks ago, I had been hoping up until now to be instrumental in encouraging brand new romantic relationships by bringing people together. It had never actually occurred to me that it could of course, bring about the opposite effect and actually act as a catalyst for some life changes.

4. I was kind of taken aback when last week, two of the other members arrived together for coffee at the same time, which was unfortunately fifteen minutes earlier than everyone else. It was then that I realised that they had most probably hooked up on the first day of 'class' so to speak and were now an item.

5. I instantly realised that this was either the 'ex' or a current wife that had texted me during the night, in which case I had a bit of an issue on my hands.

So first thing I did, as you do when you are a single mum, I got the kids ready for school and sent them off.

Second thing I did, was send off a wee message to said 'psycho' which went something along the lines of - sorry love but it has nothing to do with the Supper Club, and that ... had not mentioned her once.

Thirdly I contacted ..., the man in question, and we discussed the situation - albeit as awkward that it was. 

Anyway, the long and short of it is as follows:

1. I don't give a fuck about what he did in his former life, 

2. What happens at Supper Club, stays at Supper Club (with the exception of this otherwise public blog).

3. He is welcome to remain a member for as long as he doesn't lie or hurt anyone.

4. I will deal with the woman and any 'trouble' she may bring with her at future events.

So I have now saved her number on my contacts page in the mobile as Psycho so if she tries to contact me again by phone or text again at 2am, I will know who it is.

Have archived the message she sent me on facebook.

Have told her that I am happy to speak to her Divorce Lawyer or the Police, but that she is not to contact me whatsoever.

And hopefully that is that done and dusted for now.

So anyway, have spent the rest of my afternoon off wreaking havoc on another website group which is full of self-made coaches from all over the world. Today I posted ' Can I ask a question? is there anyone in this group who doesn't actually charge people for helping them or coaching them to become better versions of themselves or is that just me?' and it has been eerily quiet on the page ever since then.

So what do you reckon - was it something I said??!!

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