Optimizing For Vibes Instead of Money

in #self7 years ago


Conventional language is static. Life is dynamic. Therefore, pursuing static definitions is frustrating and deadly.

We seek because we are insecure. We believe we need more security because our definition of self is built upon conventional language, which separates life in an illusory abstraction. Western knowledge motivates the pursuit of conventional knowledge and thus humans use conventional methods to solve the problem of self brought upon by using limiting language. One cannot lift oneself by one’s own bootstraps!

The degree to which man defines life by rigid and hollow definitions, he condemns himself to grasping at water with a strainer – Alan Watts, The Way of Zen

The universe is a transitory energy. Seeking self through form is an impossible task that results in frustration. Liberation is letting go of form, realizing that one’s identity doesn’t end at the skin.

Vibing out isn’t dependent on particulars. Vibing is feeling the present moment’s energy force and letting it take you wherever. This is much closer to the truth of life. Therefore, vibing is a preferable variable to optimize for over money. Money won’t result in your freedom because you are still identifying a certain form as your salvation.

Life is dance of enjoying the cosmic energy of each situation. Wu wei is non action/striving/doing/straining. Straining is only necessary when you project a future fantasy on the present because you are pursuing a separate feeling. This endless cycle run by the ego is Samsara.

Western religion believes life is created, while eastern philosophy describes life as spontaneous growth. Clearly western ideas result in suffering beacuse it creates a separate self to suffer.

Salvation is here and now. You already have what you want, but seeking it, you lose it. Before thinking money and materials are the answer, take a breath and enjoy the feeling of energy.

Follow the vibes, if money comes, so be it. If not, you don’t care anymore.

Vibes dude…lol


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