Partial Solution To Self-Upvote StampedesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #selfvotes7 years ago (edited)

I have to agree. I've never understood it. But then, I'm not a particularly greedy person and I believe in quality over quantity. I've also been told I have way to many scruples for someone in the retail industry. LOL I will continue to upvote what interests me and what I feel might offer value to the community. I hope that my blog posts can do that for others. That's the way it should be.
Keep up the great post!♥

i did upvote myself the first 3 days but now i cleaned everyvote so im happy of not being part of the list


Exactly. We should upvote quality content what we like for multiple people and enjoy ourselves.

Doesn't this go back to the argument the community should self regulate - Part of this regulation is through appropriate upvoting as well as having the right incentive mechanisms in place to motive more appropriate voting?

If people are incentivsed to upvote their own content - they will.

Her post is a call for regulation I think. There are checks and balances, everyone just has to do their part. Good point, though

Maybe not rules, but a social consequence to such actions. It's a way more powerful thing: ignoring.

It is also called starving the beast...

I guess it's pretty hard for every newbie to resist the temptation of self-voting since there's "free money" at stake, albeit it's only just 0.01. Greed like any other human emotion is something innate and natural. Steemit will eventually turn into a giant prisoner's dilemma where the people who abuse the system will gain at the expense of those who follow the "rules." (If there are rules to begin with)

Unless there's a way to penalize abusers through a downvote button, Steemit will become a free-for-all where everyone tries to grab all the upvotes. Then again, in the whitepaper, Steemit is a proponent for a no censorship social media. I wonder if there will be true value creation on Steemit...

I see a few here that I could unfollow. As it's only going into my third week here I have much to learn yet.

I do spend most of my time reading from my feed, so much interesting content, and I have stopped upvoting my own comments in the first week.

Upvoting only interesting content and comments (as well as replies to my own) is a good way to gain followers. Show your appreciation regardless what your upvote is worth...and you will do well over the course of time.

you're getting the idea. When we first get our new powers, it's understandable that we might abuse them. But then, we have to look at the fundamentals: why was steemit created in the first place? Steemit was not created in order for people to self-upvote their own mindless comments. After we have come this realization, we can decide how to create meaning. And based on what we decide to do, we receive rewards, or we receive very little. Steemit is a game, a much deeper game than anyone realizes. By you making choices based on sound logic, you've just earned $ really is that simple. The rules of the outside commodity-greed world don't really work so well in here.


I'm not a gamer, per se, I came here from Poloniex when I found that time consuming game seemed rigged for failure in the margin areas...I likened it to 5 level chess and don't regret the hours spent.

This game is so much more than Poloniex and less risk in the long run...or so I presume. Thank you for your generosity in making your point. I do believe it will be some time until I build my rep to better help others turn frustration and confusion into understanding and patience...I do the best I can with what I have to work with.

Heck, there are many here who have been longer at this game than I and it worries me that they don't take the time to learn the much many helpful links such as this one.

Then again, there are no rules...other than the one unspoken truth. You reap what you sew.

Enjoy your day!

It felt wrong from day 1 for me (the self pat on the back) it clashed with my cultural upbringing. Did I do it, yes, have I kept it up, NO, I have to live within who I am not to please the masses. I am here to help grow a community and that starts with me...I can change me..

It is not a dictatorship, "I don't like what your doing so no one should". Everyone is trying to be Steemit cops.

Quite right!

every action you take has an equal reaction from others.

More than " Everyone is trying to be steemit cops" it's Everyone is trying to be steemit owners, and successful owners protects What they are investing: time, effort, reputation, money and survivance of all this pioneer amazing system, that will still give you a good income even if you are in bed for some reason or you got fired from a "normal job" because of your age in the future. You should have a deeper vision of this

Definitely an important topic.

Resteeming this to 10,000+ followers.

You are awesome!

I support this, bullshit is when u upvote ur own comment js to get sm $s!

I disagree with self upvoting "SHUN LISTS" a great deal, and here is why.

First of all, do lists like this, REALLY ASSESS the quality of people's comments, they are upvoting for themselves?

Secondly, do they assess if the same up-voters are also spreading the love for others they are interacting with?

Thirdly, should the community be deciding these things as self-formed vigilante groups, or petitioning the developers of steemit, to change the self voting rules?

I could go on and on and on, but I think that pretty well sums up several of my ideas, and I will now self vote myself, as well as several others, that I liked that commented as well.

PS - please let me know if you plan to shun me, so I can be sure not to:

Upvote your posts
Comment critically on your posts
Thanks ;-)

Yes, we have to look at:

  • Comments are 40% of payouts, Posts are xx%, etc. - does that need to change?
  • When I upvote my own comment; it goes higher in the sort order, I like that.. does that need to change?

@liberosist posted what I think is an amazing solution.

ELI5 Version: You power up your vote by voting on other people. Then, if you want, you can use the big power vote for yourself. But at least you had to engage other posts on the platform to get there. (if I'm understanding his post correctly)

New system in link below:

when i first joined steemit over a year ago, i spent a lot of time commenting and engaging with others. I did have a great advantage, though, because i was a writer.....i had a lot of material to post. But I got my reputation from this massive engagement with others. Without that, i would not be where i am today. this is a maturity issue, more than anything else.

I think we can all agree that if someone continually upvotes their low-value inane comments, then they are abusing the system.

There are lots of people doing this and some even go to the level of buying whale votes for their shitty comment. It is crazy and will make people think Steemit is a spammy network.

This insanity has to stop before it affect our dear steem. STOP RAPING THE REWARD POOL PLEASE!

I guess not everyone thinks this is a "problem" as several commenters have upvoted their own comments.

Your on point. People have abuse their voting powers, this action of self up voting will destroy the system sooner or leter, those who write good content doesn't make money anymore because of self up voting, people cast their vote on their comments instead of the content written. I have two articles I just posted but only few upvote. But I spent days cracking my brain on what to write but at the end of the day I won't get reasonable up vote. If this madness continue, people will stop writing article and just up voting their comments. Your solution to this which is to unfollow such people is very okay . also they should reduce the reputation of such people to 10 or even block their account. I believed that the idea for this blogging is to encourage people to write good content and make money from it, in other to encourage them to write more. Nice article. Upvoted. Keep it coming.