RE: Unveiling Amazon's hidden plans for AWS Lambda
AWS Lambda does have it's own unique set of challenges. I do like the idea of maybe having the lamba functionality in each part of AWS. However we have to realize that AWS initial offerings have a number of limitations and many people may not want to be handcuffed to these. This why EC2 and many of the computational offerings are so popular in AWS. They just need the platform as a fast way to spin up environments.
From my experience things like Amazon ELB is far less fully featured than something the F5. And it shouldn't even be in the same class. The amount of features that F5 offers vs AWS are night and day. The "Lambda" everywhere approach is basically only assuming that people want to use ELB or other services.
Anyway, I do like Lambdas, but as someone who has worked with them extensively, I can definitely say is that they have a number of disadvantages. For one size of executable is a big problem. So I don't see it being used for much outside of some utilities.
Node.js may be a great solution, but I think the thing with AWS is that it doesn't handcuffs you to a particular language. So I like the fact that AWS has an SDK and an API. So that many shops who may not have node can leverage AWS. Or are you suggesting that everything should compile to node.js beneath the surface?
Thanks a lot for your comment.
At the end these are just opinions... but companies like iRobot shows that it's possible to have a big system designed completely with serverless services... and it works.
So for people like I am, it's not important if there is an ELB or F5... we just don't want to struggle with this layer 😉