Seth Rich Last Seen Location Lou's City Bar, and the Walk to Wonderland Ballroom

in #sethrich7 years ago

Seth Rich Last Seen Location Lou's City Bar, and the Walk to Wonderland Ballroom

In this video I went to Lou's Bar the last known location of Seth Rich with some other YouTube journalists. We talked to the staff and reviewed the area for cameras.

The Picture above is in order of left to right: Myself, Will Turbit, Dan Dicks, Leigh Stewy, and Brian Richmond, links to their youtube channels are below. Dan is on Steemit @PressForTruth.

Enjoy My YouTube Film

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Pictures of Lou's City Bar:

Front of the Bar

The Bar & Plaque of Seth Rich

Plaque is on Wall to Left of Brian (can't see it in photo, see video)

My Goofy Drunk Ass in the Bar

The Walk to the Wonderland Ballroom

So it is a very short walk, only 8 minutes from Lou's City Bar the last location people saw Seth Rich before he was shot, to the Wonderland Ballroom where he said he was going but never arrived at. When we casually asked where to go after last call was sounded at like 12pm midnight, the bartender told us Wonderland because it was open late 2 am. We didn't go there but as you can see from the map above it is a short walk. However Seth supposedly left Lou's at or near closing time and it would be likely more than one person from Lou's would be heading to Wonderland as that is pretty much the closest bar that is open and recommended by the people at Lou's. So how did Seth not make it there? There is also a massive number of cameras in all directions of the street. So there must be video of Seth walking the whole way there. He would have had to walk by a bank branch in either direction, and there is a massive camera on top of Best Buy filming the entire street. The whole area is an Orwellian Police State nightmare so there is 100% video of Seth's walk that night.

Links to the Other Researchers:

  1. @PressForTruth Dan Dicks "Press for Truth":

  2. Brian Richmond "Brian I Citizen News":

  3. Leigh Stewy:

  4. Will Turbit:

Music Credit:

  1. Intro / Outro: Killuminati Dubstep Mix by "Kill the Noise":
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Seth Rich will blow open a mile wide hole if we keep pushing it.

I saw your witness vote come through. Thank you Titus and keep up your awesome work!

You are very welcome.

Yes, the hacker who submitted the CP data to me from Comet's website gave the emails and information to George Webb. George told us that if we can get the Seth Rich murder investigated it would lead to arrests of the persons of interest in the PizzaGate case. These two cases are woven together. If we can get the murder investigation of Seth Rich accomplished we can get PizzaGate investigated. I agree with that sentiment even if GW is an old Mossad agent, and completely untrustworthy.

but what makes you trustworthy titus? i agree george is shady as all hell what with the mossad "old guard" ties or whatever.. definitely a spook on some level, otherwise he wouldnt be so certain that he hasnt committed espionage imho. that said, when you first stepped on the scene in one of your first videos you talk about your fiance being on MTV. can you not see how that just kind of casts even the slightest doubt? considering how every mtv event is a ritual? idk im not calling you out im simply asking/ sharing thoughts. i really enjoyed your videos when i watched em.

I have been in contact with a mutual person, and that person presented GW with evidence and GW told us to basically pound sand. I have insider knowledge of stuff I don't wish to discuss that confirms that GW is a limited hangout.

As for

when you first stepped on the scene in one of your first videos you talk about your fiance being on MTV

No I did not. In fact I never brought it up, that was a personal attack made on me by Seaman Stain and before that by UnSpun with Jan Irving who was merely asking about my background.

As for the MTV bullshit. My fiancee is a stay at home mom since before I started making videos. Before that she was on the show real world and the challenge for 7 years. She is just a normal Texas girl who got onto a TV show to win money and travel. People happened to like her so they keep calling her to go back but she keeps saying no and will continue to say no. There is nothing to promote, there is no tv career anymore, bringing her into this is ad hominem bullshit.

She was not even aware of any of this "illuminati" stuff until she met me, and I had already published my book "The Lost Truth" when I was still married long before I met my current fiancee. Nothing about my message has changed and my fiancee is done being on TV. All that has happened is her much larger fan base than mine has been introduced to the truth about stuff via me as she shares some of my work. She was never invited to the inner circle crap, nor was even aware of it.

thank you so much for responding! youve answered my lame ass questions with simple logical responses that i dont really have any reason to doubt. as for the mtv thing, im not a seaman guy, never was. since he was a journo for whatever garbage beforehand i saw no point in trusting him.

its not a point that makes any difference but i am absolutely positive i heard about your wife from you it was your voice i swear! you mighta just mentioned it in passing/ could have been unspun interview? sorry for the bs questions about your personal life but it was something i did wonder about so had to ask. your forthrightness has been very much appreciated!

no doubt, it makes sense GW is some sorta limited hangout honeypot bs
if any of the intel hes sharing has any truth to it (lots of it is very compelling, true or not) then i dont see any way he could be sharing how he is without being complicit or involved in some way, u know? i guess he has a narrative to maintain and your evidence was not part of it lol.

may i ask evidence of what- as specifically as you could say??
sorry for taking so long i would have replied sooner but i dont think i got notified and just saw it now!

The hacker who broke into the back end of Comet's website and found child porn in downloadable zip files, sent that info and the passwords to DC Police who confirmed receipt on Dec 5, 2016. I was made aware of the information and I released the info publicly awhile ago. I have only seen the emails to and from the DC Police confirming they received the data and I made that known, I have never had the data because it is a crime to possess.

As for GW, he was just sent this past weekend supposedly the information from the hacker, who told me he sent it to GW, and I am assuming he included the actual zip files as well. When GW received it he told the hacker to just worry about the Seth Rich thing and PizzaGate would be resolved after the Seth Rich thing was solved. He doesn't want to touch on the pedophile ring part of this whole situation. So from my experience he is a "limited hangout" which merely means, he is accurate but is limited in what he will say.

There was also a situation with "defango" that just occurred where the authenticity of GW and more Jason Goodman who GW works with is being called into question. I personally from the outside looking in believe defango, but it is just a minor tiff. Nothing super dramatic.

We all need to keep pushing it. I post it on reddit all the time to make sure it doesn't lose the awareness. Hell, I even inbox random libtards with links on it sometimes. Some of them actually thank me too. We are getting there, keep it up!

Liked and followed, appreciate the same fellow Pedes/Trumpers/4channers :)

Thanks, and yeah the trending #'s on twitter should be #SethRich, #ShawnLucas, and #PizzaGate or #PedoGate.

Love it, @titusfrost with dan dicks and citizen journalist crew! This is exactly what needs to happen, more collaboration! Thanks for all your hard work, you're really stepping up your game, hitting the pavement and getting out there. Bless

Thanks so much I appreciate it and I completely agree.

Resteemed, keep up the good work bro. This could all be sorted out so easily by releasing the nearby surveillance videos , but I won't be holding my breath for that one..

Yeah, they have cameras covering every inch of where Seth walked that night in my opinion.

I just saw your up vote on the Greg Hunter interview. I noted some of the youtubers that are now on steemit. Just want you to know that I watched you on youtube as well. I just had my mind on money issues. You do great work and must have huge cojones. Thanks!

For sure man. I just gave you a follow. Good interview. Keep up the good work.

Thanks, I have some things I want people to know. One of them involve something close to your heart, pedophilia. I investigated the subject for personal reason long before the Podesta, pedogate, pizzagate. In 2005 I spent many hours. I am not a writer and hope to any day now tell everyone what I found and some thoughts I was left. It not earth shattering. I will not save the world but I think it is useful for those who are concerned (all decent people should be)about the issue. When I can get it do I will give you a heads up. Thanks for the following, we are on the same ship.

still haven't confirmed that Debbie-Whatshername Schultz's brother is in charge of the Rich investigation, but he is a Federal prosecutor in the DC area

Awesome, that would be bombshell, talk about conflict of interest. I just gave you a follow.

thanks...I already have you listed as an #informationwar resource (courtesy of @aggroed ;> )

Resteemed, Well done!

The telling truth is the reaction to this so called conspiracy surrounding Seth Rich. Their own actions has created this, the DNC has gone out of their way to stop any investigation into this case. You are spot on this case will open a can of worms the DNC does not want to see opened. Keep up the great work.

Wonderful video.. you seem to have enjoyed alot.

resteemed :))))

You are doing the Lord's work. The MSM will one day take notice, keep on going.

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