in #sex8 years ago (edited)

Sex is one of the most taboo topics in society, along with aggression and money. About sexuality has always been a lot of restrictions. Now many of them have been removed, but in the personal and collective unconscious, they still live, involving people in a constant internal conflicts. The word "taboo" has a sacred meaning. In society it is accepted to speak about the ban. For centuries there were many taboos associated with our sexuality. If they were motivated more often by religious dogmas now, in particular in developed countries, the prohibitions regarding sexuality, stipulated in the laws. But there are also some internal individual prohibitions, which were formed during life, for the entire period of sexual development.
Cultural taboos
To cultural taboos, or prohibitions, are socially accepted religious and legal prohibitions. If we talk about religious prohibitions, then and now, many Orthodox believers are convinced that sex can be enjoyed only after marriage, and some of that sex is only for having children. If a person meets the "layman" with other beliefs, it is unlikely they will be able to create a pair. Otherwise one of them will have to sacrifice too many of their values. If a woman, being raised in an Orthodox culture, love of a Muslim, they will also have a tough time. After all, the laws in Muslim countries are allowed to have multiple wives. The problem is that in order to marry a Muslim man, the woman must convert to Islam. Otherwise she can claim only the role of concubines. And the role of the second wife existing at compatriot our women are unlikely to agree. Again, if we are not talking about the victim. In our society there are also sexual taboos, violation of which may attract criminal liability. For example, throughout the civilized world at the present time prohibited any form of violence, and pedophilia.
Individual taboo
In addition to cultural sexual taboos, there are individual. Of course, they are largely dependent on cultural norms, but laid in the family in the process of education. On the formation of individual sexual taboos greatly influenced by parents ' attitude to sex in General and private expressions of sexuality. Curiously, if parents refer to something very negative (e.g., pornography or Masturbation), the child may appear as an aversion and a strong interest. Often both are present simultaneously, and then in adulthood there may be problems with sexual satisfaction and attitude to sex in General. And then he will condemn the fact that can not afford due to internal restrictions. Often single mothers fear for their daughters unwittingly instill in them an aversion to sexual contact with men or to individual contact forms. Single mothers who are convinced that men are nothing but trouble and "they all want to do one thing", broadcast and daughters that conviction. Then in adulthood, the girl is the fear of the man and sexual intercourse, and it certainly won't be able to prove himself as a liberated lover.
When there is a conflict internal to external
Often internal restrictions are in conflict with external solutions, or Vice versa. For example, in the period of religious prohibition of pleasure in the middle Ages, sexy women lived a very difficult life. To the extent that they were declared witches and burned at the stake during the Inquisition. In today's world, many limitations are removed. About sex a lot is said and written, many sexual excesses, once considered a perversion, now entered the concept of the norm. Currently, when there is the abolition of all taboos and people who engage in sexual relations, try not to show yourself old-fashioned and sexy clamped, the internal conflict between sexual taboos and the external looseness can lead to neurosis. For example, a woman brought up in a religious family, but the religious did not. She meets with men, have sex with them, she thinks that she is liberated enough. But few who could so simply discard educate from childhood the installation. And some part of this woman considers what happens in bed is sinful and vile. Internal conflict can occur and in the case that, being greatly in love, a woman agrees to, say, a Threesome. It seems this is an interesting and exciting because the beloved wants it. In fact, she may not be aware that her part of it unpleasant.
How to resolve the conflict?
It is important to find out what for you is a personal taboo. Don't try to compare your own restrictions and preferences with the views adopted in your environment. Even if they are very different, take them as a given. Then you need to understand what your taboo prevents you to build a relationship with a partner, and what is not. If it interferes with (e.g., internal ban on having fun), you can figure this out with a therapist or sexologist. If you can't afford any kind of sex that wants to try you and your partner, it is important to talk to him openly without judging him for his desire, but also not obeying them. You might find a compromise solution acceptable to both.
Source: http://dic.academic.ru/dic.nsf/seksolog/926

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