My Judges Top 5 Selections For Week 16 of SGL!

in #sgl4 years ago

Hello awesome peoples, I hope this week has been treating you well. Things may be a little quiet with the holidays upon us, but it is fantastic to see some of our amazing regulars with us - not to mention a new face with us for this week of SGL!

Again I am thrilled to say we have had some truly brilliant entries again this week, you guys never let us down <3

But if you're here reading this chances are you want to get this show on the road and get down to business, so without further delays here is my judges top 5 selection for week 16 of SGL!

First Place:

@exoelias - Sonic Groove Live · Week 16 · Milagro de Dios/ God's Miracle (Original Song)

This was stunning on so many levels and just completely captivating, I was hooked from the instant you started. This is a really beautiful song, I just adore that melody - you have created such an amazing and unique sounding song, it really is just impossible not to listen.

Your playing is always perfect and I am always drawn to your brilliant vocals, for me they just steal the show! I love all the different vocal effects you've expertly layered into your performance, I am always blown away by such amazing compositions such as these - how do you come up with these combinations? It's just amazing!

I really do want to focus on your vocals and the melody a fair bit today, as in my opinion you have constructed a unique and rather brilliant melody - but its also your phenomenal vocal abilities that do it justice, I just can't get enough and will see if I can properly identify the right sections as I go.

You start so sweetly and gently just easing into the song, before settling into a good rhythm and things relaxing - but then you go and add those bloody amazing "ahhhahhhahh's", just freaking brilliant and add so much to this section of the song.

I love the tiny little vocal embellishments you then add, and another brilliant focal point was the melody being lowered - adding a whole new dimension to this melody, it feels so full and I keep having to stop so I can mention something properly before you start the next awesome bit XD

Then boom you couple it with these transcending high notes, that just feel angelic in nature when coupled with the rest of the song. Then the segmented note drops, creating this feel of movement within the melody - it add so much feel to the music, it really is an amazing composition.

I really love it when you kick it up a gear and start to add slightly more grit to your vocals, yet another kick ass inclusion that adds more the piece - with a little vocal fry added for good measure, really getting into the power center of the song now.

Now I have to mention the "ohwhohoh" for lack of a better description lol, just amazing vocal flare with so much texture being added here - it really just takes things to a whole other level.

At the 2:53 minute mark I just love love love that vocal run, whats more you executed it with such epic precision - I was completely hooked and yet blown away, that was freaking phenomenally brilliant.

Seriously I could go on for ages here, in fact I've been writing this review alone for about an hour - just going back and forth between your entry and my post, trying to find the best moments to highlight.

Well turns out most of it, if not all is highlight worthy - just an all round brilliant performance and composition, I am such a massive fan and this is the perfect example as to why!

Second Place:

@orlandogonzalez - Sonic Groove Live week # 16| Caminos de Galipán. Tema Original| @orlandogonzalez

Firstly I have to say I knew you played a few instruments, I had no idea that included the flute though - and I must say it is the flute that really adds so much to this performance and composition, adding this light airy feeling to the entire piece.

This was just completely captivating, you really managed to take me away with only your music as a guide. It was amazing to hear and watch all these elements come together to create this amazing piece of music.

The drums as another focal point, I have dabbled with the drums but have no real skill - but one thing I have learned is to note when people use drums as a way to keep time, compared to others like you who use the drums as an instrument.

You make the drums have a focal section, but its more than just a way to keep the pace of the song - it creates this amazing juxtaposition between the flute and the drums, they are almost in a form of competition with each other.

Not as in they are aggressive, they are in harmony - but it feels as though when one wanes the other picks up and vice versa, creating this really unique sound that I really enjoyed hearing.

It's a truly brilliant piece of music, just taking me away on a fantastic journey - I can see how the images you provided helped inspire the music, they go so well together it just fits perfectly.

This was as always an amazing performance from you and I just couldn't stop listening to it, so light and airy and freeing - really stunning and totally captivating, I love it!

Third Place:

@gibber - Sonic Groove Live week 16 "Creep" Stone Temple Pilots cover by @gibber

Hello and welcome to SGL! Stoked to have you join us for week 16 :D and with a really kick ass performance as well, I just loved it the instant you played. Can I say I love the incorporation of the shaker while you were playing, it really added so much more to the song - helping with the haunting tone you've weaved throughout the performance, absolutely brilliant!

Your playing is impeccable, but it was your amazing vocals that caught and held my attention - you have a really amazing voice, with so much depth, emotion, clarity and it's just impossible not to get into this entry.

I absolutely adored this performance, you created this amazing feeling throughout the song - adding so much emotion, creating this overwhelming piece of music I just couldn't stop listening too.

Your vocals are truly stunning, your voice is just incredible - you have amazing control with it and use it in such a brilliant way, I really just adored this and couldn't help but try and sing along with you.

Also with the videos I wanted to mention we really appreciate you adding two, but in the future you are more than welcome to use your effects - especially if it makes you more comfortable, the main reasons for wanting a clear picture is to ensure it is you singing and playing.

Your video with effects does nothing to diminish this, I can see your mouth and chest so know it's you singing and we can also see you playing the guitar - we would love to have you join us again, so please don't stress too much about this (it was mostly to help prevent people only filming their forehead's or in virtually no light).

But all round kick ass entry and performance, you have an amazing voice and I am really looking forward to hearing more form you and hopefully soon!

Fourth Place:

@davidsuarezms - Sonic Groove Live Week 16 - "Daughter" (Cover) by @davidsuarezms

Wow man, you just always smash out these performances - I just love hearing you sing while you play, its really nice to see you just going for it. What's more you have a really nice voice, your doing really well singing in English.

Your playing is always perfection, it's honestly like the guitar is an extension of your body - I have honestly never seen you falter with it, it's incredible to watch.

But it's fantastic to see you expanding your horizons, I love your voice - it's clear, emotive, you have fantastic control, you display a decent range, you definitely have power behind it, it really comes down to confidence alone and by singing more in entries you will soon have that down like with your playing.

Thing is it's not like your bad at singing, most people think they can't sing and well some of them are right - but I am happy to say you have all the fundamentals down, the biggest being pitch.

You are never off key or out of tune, with vocals this can be one of the hardest things to accomplish - you also have skills on top of that, I think you will do well with songs you grew up with or listen to all the time.

Ones where you know the melody inside and out and it comes as a second nature to you, with a song you are really familiar with will help you feel more confidence in your delivery - for your next entry where you sing, I would love to hear you try a more challenging vocal.

I think you have the capabilities in spades, but if you can choose one you know inside and out - it will be so much easier and you can really have some fun and relax with the vocals, cause that is my only note. You sing beautifully, but you doubt your abilities and this would make anyone nervous - find a song you are really comfortable with (I often find Christmas carols a good suggestion, not only time of year - but also that we sing these songs yearly and for most of our lives).

I know you can do this and will kick ass, but I want you to know how much you can kick ass lol - I loved this entry and I really hope to see and hear more soon <3

Fifth Place:

@barski - Sonic Groove Live Week 16 - cover - BELIEVER - Peter Barski

Ahhh dude you just make my list almost every single week, it's just super hard not to place you lol - you have some serious skills and I just adore your entries, but it's all for good reason.

Your playing is freakin unbelievable! You really have some insane talents and I just can't get enough of your music, each and every week you never cease to impress and amaze us - you just own everything you play, it's incredible to watch you do what you do.

I love what you've done with this performance as well, you have this insane ability to create such a full sound with only the guitar - I love the percussive elements you bring in through the guitar as well, just creating this amazing emotive piece of music that compels.

All round amazing performance, brilliant techniques being displayed, a supreme confidence while you play, you are so centered and in the moment it's awesome to see and hear. I am a fan and there's no question why, you have amazing skills and I always look forward to hearing your performances each and every week!

Well there you have it awesome peoples, hope you had a fantastic week and enjoyed all of those brilliant performances.

A big thank you shout out to our amazing team @zipporah, @pechichemena, @joseacabrerav, @isaria and @ausbitbank, you guys are amazing keep up the great work!

But I will leave it at that for this week and wish you all well over the festive season, Merry Christmas and keep grooven! <3


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Hahahaha, you don't know how much fun I had by reading your description of my post. So far I realize that if it is an amusement park, my intention was not to make a roller coaster but a Christmas song. I'm so happy for this mention @Krystle I never imagined that my composition would like people so much. Thanks for those fun paragraphs 🙏

:D Well I am glad you enjoyed yourself reading my review, I must say I wasn't trying to mean it was all over the place - more that I was super impressed you made so many amazing vocal techniques flow so effortlessly, it really was a compositional masterpiece and executed rather brilliantly.

I love your music and I'm sorry I don't get to write back as often as I'd like, but I always read your replies and it fills me with joy to see my words impacting you in such a positive way <3

@krystle thank you so much for your kind and generous words of encouragement ;9) I really enjoy playing and singing so I am planning many entries into your awesome contest. Have a great week.

No worries at all, I am so stoked to hear you will be joining us again - I really enjoyed that entry and look forward to many more in the future :D

Your words always fill me with joy, and I'm sorry sometimes I can't respond, I'm not lucky with the internet, I don't have that privilege, I'm very happy that you like my voice, you are a wonderful person who knows how to appreciate the effort and dedication of art. I like to sing a lot but I never dared to be a soloist, to write my songs, I was several years in a choir, with these teachers @edmundocentenor @danieldedosd2 @mariajruizb, the best singing teachers I have ever had, they all recognized my voice, but I never had the courage to sing like that, many say that I look better singing in English and others than in Spanish, but I honestly don't know what to do, it's right what you say, it would be better if I could sing something that is more comfortable for me, although it hurts me not to be able to sing the style of songs that I would like, it's difficult hehe, I must keep trying and if you tell me that I must do so, that I must sing something comfortable, I will do it because your words always motivate me to be better and to continue participating, many times I only wait for your words because they fill me with joy, I want to mold my voice, to have a lot of courage and to risk to overcome myself, new challenges, to show what I can do, without fear and without doubts, that's what I want to do, haha to kick ass, if you say so I will believe it, so expect better performances, I really regret not giving my all sometimes because of shyness and insecurity, it is difficult to be in front of a camera, a jury. Greetings, and a big hug for you my friend!


Australian idol judge next?

Hi Krystle!

I hope you have a space in your calendar to read. I do not regularly respond to comments in English, which I have to improve, because my English is not very good and I need help to blend my ideas so that people understand what I mean.
I am very grateful and astonished with the detailed and accurate description of this work. I must say that I was pleasantly surprised to read this. It seems that you had been in my brain and put in letters what I was thinking at the time of doing so.

One of the things I appreciate most from your recognition is the honesty I perceive in your words. I really appreciate it.

Thanks once again!

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