Simple Ideas to Connect the Dots of Future PART 6

in #shadow8 years ago (edited)

How to BUILD first city similar to Venus Project Proposed. This plan will be constantly updated and monitored.

Cities of the Future will be fully autonomous, sustainable, fully integrated, built from scratch - highly technologically advanced.

Control of the city and between cities networks will be decentralized.

As we now comprehend, governance will be decentralized and directly in the hands of all decentralized planetary nation citizens.

We as civilization have to start building autonomous and sustainable city modules for real research and future civilization development.

We as civilization are searching for life in cosmos but barely can build highly advanced fully integrated city from scratch for full potential of human resource existence here on this planet.

  1. We have to increase the net worth of ShadowCash by participating in buying, selling ShadowCash and creation of other educational, value increasing material.
  2. Increased wealth of Shadowcash will let us work on real city building project.
  3. City and all it's related building steps and technologies has to be made open source and fully available for every human resource to increase well being for everyone on Civilization.
  4. We as decentralized planetary nation community will choose human resource and organizations who would be capable to accomplish this for real. If that means that we will have to fund Venus Project we will do it as community.
  5. Will be updated.

We have to organize and manage global crowd-funding campaign for research and building first city, capable to work in fully decentralized manner.

We have to look after land (place) with space to build first city and then scale from that to next and next city. To fully connect them with autonomous transportation.

We have to talk with worldwide centralized governments about available land and agree basic terms for trust to invest.

Some of us may know the fact that USA centralized governments are drastically increasing in corruption. Somewhere in the states it is even outlawed to collect rain water or build autonomous fully self sustainable houses. So what they would say about fully self sustainable, autonomous city, designed to outperform any centralized government governance and structure of maintenance.

Global decentralized planetary Crowd-funding.

As every crowd-funding we will have to offer something.

  1. The ability to participate in city building.
  2. House or flat to buy in advance to become first member of the city.
  3. Any kind of position in city for research.
  4. Souvenirs.
  5. Will be Updated.

Decentralized autonomous city infrastructure systems research by building will require billions of dollars and euro in investments.

Time has come when decentralized financial tools as Shadowcash SDC and similar have no centralized corrupted capital control and can flow everywhere with out borders to involve directly in sustainable evolution of Civilization.

It has to be done in professional manner. We have to do real things that our civilization would continuously evolve to worldwide Ecstatic Culture.

We need not to wait for worldwide economic breakdown or other destructible civilization misfortunes. We have to build transition bridges by using tools available now.

The Shadow Project ShadowCash financial ecosystem will never disappear, it will improve over time. And when our civilization technological advanced will bring to light decentralized Resource Based Economy - when there will be no money. Shadowcash will still exist as tool of simple trades. To think that people will stop to trade any time soon is misconception.

In future people may live for free. Have their houses, flats to live, travel for free. Eat food for free, dress for free etc.

Maybe nano technology will advance so much that people will be able to create and build everything by computer with nano particles - who knows.

Maybe human resource will live forever and will be smart as any genius was. Thanks to technological advancement of gene therapy and other manipulations of body data.

In money free world or I should say highly technologically advanced decentralized planetary civilization. Where everything will be available for free and you will be able not to work to survive. Where you will be able to live your life dedicated to mind development. Don't stop learning and experiencing will be the new quote of global Ecstatic Culture.

Human resource in Resource Based Economy (RBE) will make basic trades for pleasure.

Don't forget - we always search for pleasure on the end.

YES. SHADOWCASH will become more valuable and greater than Bitcoin, because it is here to improve future of civilization. It is destined to do this from the start:

"Inspired by the Cypherpunks (Cybernetic or Internet Culture of Ecstatic) call for an anonymous currency. Innovative and unique open source project with a mission to create a truly decentralized (planetary) economy (nation)."

Mission Statement

"On December 10, 1948, the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted and proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Article 12 states:

“No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks."

Nearly 67 years later, we believe this declaration to be more important than ever. To help protect this most basic right to privacy, The Shadow Project is building an encrypted, digital ecosystem. Cryptographic innovations will catalyze the evolution of communication, commerce, and currency. Shadow’s mission is to remain at the forefront of this evolution with it’s decentralized privacy platform, made available to all operating systems."

Winston Churchill made it abundantly clear – “we must do what is necessary”.

Cyberspace the space and place where the game changes. The culture of tomorrows humankind.
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