About the Ben Shapiro, Barbie thing..

in #shapiro2 years ago


His prediction was that the movie would fall off to no viewership after the first week.

Obviously it didn't.

I didn't see the movie until last week; so, I had the luxury of looking at this is retrospect. But, I don't think that I would have made the same prediction. I also think I have an idea why the video as big of a hit as it is.

Now, the reason why Shapiro made his prediction is probably because he has more faith in humanity than I do. He thought that the movie was gonna tank because people were going to see that it's hot garbage. I think that people are still coming out to see it partly because it's an incoherent mess.

This is how cults work. They know that they have a true believer when he or she is fed a story that makes no sense, and will still throw money at it because they think that it's saying something that they want to hear.

The woke, intersectional cult has been around for a while now. It's been incoherent for a while. But, that's why Barbie works so well for so many people. They cast a trans-woman as one of the Barbies, even though it's established that nobody in Barbieland has genitals, and that Barbie is held in much higher social standing than the men. I mean, the men are so heavily subjugated in Barbieland that simply being asked the time is taken as a show of respect and appreciation equivalent to what I'm getting when people ask me questions about how the IMAX projector works.

It's a leftist dream of a movie, because they get to lie, and immediately put you down for pointing out the lie, because -- they'll say -- "Is fiction, and all just in good fun." It's like if the Daily Show snorted a bunch of crack.

People who claim that this movie is a commercial for Mattel have to be off their rockers. The Mattel board is almost half women, and it was run by a woman for forty years. In the movie, it's just a bunch of white male morons.

The movie has one of the Kens (figuratively) shot down asking if a Ken could have a Supreme Court spot. "You'll get your rights when women get their rights in the real world." they say. Okay, four Supreme Court justices are women, and one lied to congress insisting that she couldn't define what a woman was.

The Barbies are all powerful, and smart enough to run their own utopia; but, they're also so dumb and gullible that one Ken can brainwash them all in a day.

This is the movie that's sparked online traction for a trend of women dumping their boyfriends if they didn't "understand" the movie.

Guys, if your girlfriend dumped you because you pointed out the absolute incoherence of Barbie, consider the ticket price to be a hit that you took in order to dodge a bullet. All you would ever get from that woman is a psychologically abusive relationship that you would have to suffer through until she dumped you for a man who is stronger and more assertive.

Incidentally, requiring people to disassociate from people close to them in order to be embraced into the group is one of the standard operating procedures of a cult.

I know that Oppenheimer is still selling out shows that won't drop until 2:30am on a weeknight. I also know that literally zero people are using Oppenheimer as a basis for breaking up a relationship. I know that it's a better movie. It was probably always gonna lose to Barbie at the box office because it's three hours, and rated-R.

What's more, Oppenheimer has serious messages, with some of them only being partly political. It put the story first. The story made sense. People behaved consistently with their personalities and motivations.

Barbie is only beating Oppenheimer in terms of money for now. If Barbie takes home more Oscars than Oppenheimer, I'll never watch the Oscars again.

They're movies that are popular for two very different reasons. Oppenheimer is popular because it's a great film. Barbie is popular because it's a cultist manifesto.