My Short Childrens Story

Chapter one:

One night when Janet and John were asleep, there was a little knock on the window, it instantly awoke Janet, who slept closest to the window. She got up and quickly walked over to her brother, she shook him awake, “John, John! There is something at our window,” she exclaimed still whispering. John suddenly stirred, “Janet? What are you saying there is no one…” he trailed off when he heard another knock. He walked towards the window and saw something that look sort of like a clock. “Hey, can you please let me in, it’s cold out here.” John looked at Janet, she shrugged, he decided to let him in. “Thank you so much, I thought I was going to freeze, My name is Ticky, I’m a magical flying clock, I can take you on an adventure if you like” Janet and John’s eyes and smile immediately widen. “Judging by your face that’s a yes?” “Of course it’s a yes!” they exclaimed together.

“Alright then, come stand on the window, hold on to my hands and on the count of three, we jump, as they jumped there was a brief moment of falling , till they opened their eyes and it was at that moment they started flying. So the flew and flew over rivers and over mountains till they reached a mountain that looked like it was covered in “Ice Cream..?” John asked. “Welcome to Marshmallow Mountain” they landed in the plaza, where a bunch of little Marshmallow children came running up to them, they dragged Janet and John into the biggest marshmallow building. The kids gasped as they saw the candy themed lobby, the wallpaper looked like taffy stripes, there were mini flowerpots made dolly mix liquorice and the furniture was made of wafers with jelly tots for cushions on the chairs and sofas.

Ticky smiled at the children’s excited faces. “Well kids, what do you want to do first? There is snowboarding, skiing, ice skating or we can just start at the coffee shop”
“How about we start at ice skating and then take it from there. So they went ice skating, Janet and john stumbled a bit then finally got the hang of it, after that they went Snowboarding, skiing, sledging and finally to end of the day they went to the coffee shop, there Janet had chocolate cake and John had a cherry cheesecake. "I'm so tired" yawned John, as they saw it get dark outside, they started panicking worried that they wouldn't be able to get home in time, "Alright, lets getting you home" Ticky said, they held onto his hands and soon they were flying over a still dark London, confused the looked at Ticky, who said "don't worry it still the same time you left, you see i took you to a different dimension where the time works differently" So they were home in bed . "goodnight Ticky" they said in unison, at this Ticky smiled "goodnight guys" and with that he left closing the window as he went. So this was the beginning of the best adventure of their lives.

So this story has a deep place in my heart, Growing up whenever my Gran visited she would make up these wonderful story of to twins and there magical flying clock friend. My gran Passed away in 2014, so this will be in her memory.

RIP Gran, love you loads


Good story, but you still need to work on your punctuation a bit sweety. We will discuss this in the class.

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