Showcase April - That time I became a Cuban smuggler

in #showcaseapril4 years ago (edited)

-Hey Eric, how about a free plane ticket from Cancun to La Habana, Cuba?

-Oh nice, I've wanted to go to Cuba for a long time! What's the catch?

-It's easy, you just have to bring two 20 kilo suitcases with you and give them to my guy when you arrive to Cuba. He'll meet you at the airport, take you to the city and will give you a ticket back, open date that is. You can stay for as long as you want. All you have to do is deliver the suitcases.

If it sounds too good to be true, it probably isn't.

The date was April 21, 2017. I was about to leave the Mexican Caribbean. In my mind I had only one goal: to hitchhike all the way down through Central America starting in Belize and finishing in Panama, with the possibility of crossing the Darien jungle to Colombia.

But a few days before my departure date I was offered to go to Cuba. I didn't have a lot of money - as always - and if I wanted to go, I would have to find cheap options, travel wise and accommodation wise.

That's when I found out about this guy. The guy who pays young people a round trip plane ticket from Cancun to Cuba in exchange of them delivering two suitcases to someone on the other side. That means that those who accepted the deal could only bring a handbag for their entire trip in this beautiful island.

Wow, this whole situation sounds shadier than the real slim shady

I mean. I'm trying to lower my travel costs but not to the point where I could end up in jail.

Oh yeah, I bet you are curious about the contents of the suitcases.

I was also curious. In fact, I wouldn't even think about documenting a suitcase without knowing the what's inside it.

Well no, sorry to burst your adrenaline craving bubble, it wasn't drugs or guns, it weren't ancient swords or Mayan archaeological pieces.

It was just clothes, mostly bras and jeans… some cosmetics, a few bottles of deodorant, soap bars and some jewelry.

All brand new and ready to be sold at the or four times the normal price.

Oh Eric, you are such a coward, I was starting to enjoy your posts for once and you let me down again. That's not smuggling and there's nothing to be afraid from getting to Cuba some clothes and other petty things.

I know, I know you're probably right. I should change the title but if I don't it, how am I going to clickbait people into reading my post?

Anyway, try to walk in my shoes for a second:

A stranger you met through a dude you know from a beach bar in Cancun is offering to pay your plane tickets to another country. A country where the police and immigration officers are known for being strict to say the least. You have no money in case shit hits the fan and internet is scarce there, so you can't speak to anyone back home. You are traveling alone and it will be your first international flight to a country that is not the US. You have to deliver two suitcases that, even if you know the contents, you still don't know if there are drugs hidden within the clothes or perhaps those push up bras have diamonds from Sierra Leona stitched to the internal part of the bra.

Well, at least you speak Spanish. That's gotta count for something, right?

I asked the street about the guy and his deals. As it turns out, some of my guys knew people who went to Cuba the very same way I was planning on going. With the same shady deal made by the same fishy guy.

My mind started to ease and after I got to speak with some of the girls, yeah girls, who went to Cuba a few weeks before me, I was confident I wasn't going to end up in Guantánamo.

So I said yes. I called the guy, gave his secretary my passport information and I got the confirmation. I had a two way ticket from Mexico to Cuba.

And it was completely free.

Are you curious about how the story continues? Well, I'm currently on a plane. A plane to a secret place but, if I get more inspiration after I take a long nap, I'll continue the tale.

Dear FBI agent reading this: after reading the post, I hope it was clear that I'm not a smuggler and I'm not Cuban. I don't even drink rum or smoke cigars.

This post was originally posted in August 2018 and it's part of my initiative called showcase April, where I'll post the best content I've done over the past three years


I watch 'Banged Up Abroad' all the time, good show. They renamed it to something else in the USA, as 'banged' means something else there.

Banged Up Abroad
Banged Up Abroad (rebadged as Locked Up Abroad in Asia and the United States, and Jailed Abroad in India, for the National Geographic Channel) is a British documentary/docudrama television series created by Bart Layton that was produced for Channel 5 and that premiered in March 2006. Most episodes feature stories of people who have been arrested while travelling abroad, usually for trying to smuggle illegal drugs, although some episodes feature people who were either kidnapped or captured while they were either travelling or living in other countries. Some episodes have featured real-life stories that first became well known when they were made the subject of a film: films that have been "re-made" in this way include Midnight Express, Goodfellas, The Devil's Double, Argo, Mr Nice, and, to a lesser extent (with the story of Frank Cullotta), Casino.
Since 2006 there have been a total of 11 regular series plus a special series called 'Kidnapped Abroad'.

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